35) Suddenly, I'm dating Justin Bieber...

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"Oh, DO I, now?!" Ryan laughed, and raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Uhm... I gotta feeling w-" Melani started, but was interrupted by Justin, spontaneously singing 'I gotta feeling' by the Black Eyed Peas. Melani rolled her eyes and giggled, eventually joining in. Soon, all four of them were singing along together, in the middle of the hotel hallway. Suddenly, Chaz jumped out of Khloe and his hotel room and started joining in.

"THAT TONIGHT'S GONNA BE A... What?!" The rest of the group stared at him before breaking into a joint snicker. "WhAAAAAt?!"

"Nothing, Chazella, absolutely NOTHING." Melani pried her right arm free and patted him on the head. "...We just, Uh, weren't... Expecting tha- you, is all." She giggled.



After a while, Melani and Justin had finally gotten rid of the sticky tape, Chaz went back into his room - probably to make out with Khloe again - and Emily and Ryan decided to think up another prank.

"We could bake cookies with chilli in them and put them on a plate somewhere with a sign that says 'Caution: Very hot'...?" Emily suggested, as soon as they got back into their room and closed the door. Ryan looked over at her and grinned evilly.

"We've got some grocery shopping to do..." He laughed like an evil maniac, and Emily joined in.

"Chaz. She says everythings great... Let her get back to her mother... C'mon, a-WAY from the laptop..." Khloe tugged at Chaz's sleeve and he sighed, closing the laptop and putting it next to him on the bed. He quickly caught Khloe by the waist and sat her on his lap before she could react. He adjusted himself and Khloe so that she was leaning into him while his arms were hugging her from behind. He chuckled and leant in, nibbling at Khloe's ear.

"OMG, THAT T-TICKLES-S-S!" She screamed through fits of laughter. She struggled to get loose, but Chaz was way too strong. "Have you been w-working ou-out?!" She asked; again through fits of laughter.

"You betcha, babe!" Chaz laughed and winked at Khloe, even though she was too busy trying to get out of his iron-grip and laughing her head off to see.

Christian smiled down at the half-a-dozen red roses he had just bought for Imogen. A red ladybug had just flown onto one of the flowers, making the whole bunch looks absolutely ADORABLE. ...If he did say so himself. He made his way through the lobby and pressed the button for the elevator. Not long after, the elevator dinges and the doors opened to reveal a pretty girl with long black hair and piercing green eyes; she looked about the same age as Christian... Only depressingly, taller. He walked into the elevator and pressed the button for his level. He flashed a small smile when he saw that not only was the ladybug still there, but another decided to fly on next to it.

"She's gonna love 'em" The girl spoke up, with a heavy Italian accent.

"I hope so..." Christian gave the girl a lopsided smile.

"I'm Candy, by the way."

"Candy... Interesting name... I'm Christian." He held out his hand and Candy shook it.

"Oh, I know... I'm a big fan of your YouTube channel, by the way."

"Oh, really? Thanks!" He grinned at her, "Are you gonna be going to Justin's concert?"

"No, my parents couldn't afford something like that, apparently... Ironic, seeing as we're staying in a five star hotel, halfway across Italy..." She trailed.

"Hey, maybe I could see if Justin can give you one...?"

"Really?! That'd be awesome, thankyou!" Candy perked up and the elevator dinged, the doors opening to Candy's level.

"What room numb-" Christian started.

"485." Candy grinned over her shoulder as she walked down the hall. The elevator doors closed, and before he knew it, he was walking down the hallway that led to he and Imogen's room.

"OMG, THAT T-TICKLES-S-S!" He heard from behind Chaz and Khloe's door. His face contorted itself, before his expression changed to 'deer caught in headlights'.

He didnt wanna know... O.O

He continued down the hallway and knocked on his and Imogen's door.

Justin and Melani were walking around the local shopping centre-

(AN: AKA: Mall... ;))

-and Justin had just bought Melani Ray Bans so they could walk around reasonably unnoticed. They were black on the outside but on the inside was a totally colourful triangles pattern. There was every -neon- colour of the rainbow... And they were sexy, mate. For reals. Justin and Melani were now walking hand in hand, looking in random shops as they passed by.

"Hey, Melly! Let's look in there - I need a new pair of purple Supras... OH MY GOD, we can like, wear them at the same time and we'll be, like, MATCHING!" Justin's eyes practically popped out of his face and Melani laughed uncontrollably.

"You're acting like Regina friggen George, Justin." She giggled.

"That's the chick from 'Mean girls', right?"

"Uh... Yeah..." Melani eyed him weirdly.

"Um, Uh... Jazzy made me watch it." Justin avoided eye contact and he pulled Melani into the shoe store, trying to change the subject. Melani chuckled.

"Whatever, smexi boy." Melani rolled her eyes and Justin came to a stop, looking at Melani with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, so I'm smexi, am I?" He turned around completely and Melani rolled her eyes again.

"You've always been smexi, Bieber. And you know it." She winked at him and he blushed lightly.

"Tanks Melly... You're pretty smexi yourself." He winked back and continued pulling Melani into the store.



Kay guys so I'm going away for a week, to Queensland, so I'll be updating a few times today so I'm not so slack. THAT MADE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AT ALL. Baaaaad grammar there... >W

Who's heard about Queensland?! FLOODS, DEATHS, MISSING PEEPS, YADDA YADDA... donate? Tell ya mumma ta donatio?


They really need help.. And the floods will be heading south. Into New South Wales. I live there.



Looooovve y'all!

(N-n-n-naaaa hamaarrr!!!)


My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now