📚=~Library ~=📚

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"Please be quiet. I can't even hear myself losing the will to live." Zander angrily grunted, picking at his finger nail, and making a small 'mm' sound.

"Sorry Zander" Luke assured, dropping his shoulders toward the ground.

a few minutes passed, and they were still stuck in the library. Zander's parents threw a huge house party, so he and Luke decided to hide in the one room there weren't a bunch of people. Zander hummed as he read a book he found in his bag. Both Luke and Zander were stuck in the library room. if they had left, they would have to face a huge crowd.

"um hey Zander?" Luke called, nervously turning his head to face the smaller, shorter boy.

"what is it" Zander questioned, annoyed.

"Sorry to interupt your reading...but I have a question" Luke forewarned, putting his weight on one hand.

"what is your question?" Zander wondered, still a bit annoyed. he put the book down and turned to face Luke

"Um, do you think...do you...um...have you...uh...what I'm trying to say is...do you really even want to talk to me...I seem to annoy you" Luke Stuttered, as he was nervous to ask his long time best friend if he enjoyed his presence. of course, if he said no, it would break Luke's heart.


"do you enjoy my presence?" Luke asked once more

"yes. now shush"

"no. I'm clearly upset and you're doing nothing. so that must mean you don't like and me but you don't want to admit it." Luke expressed, tears filling his eyes.

"that's not it at all dumbass. you know I like you...platonically." Zander grunted, blushing slightly. though Zander was glad the library was dark, for a moment, so Luke couldn't see the warm, crimson blush that had appeared on his face.

"yeah...well...what should we do? it's too dark to read..." Luke mentioned, turning his head back to view the dark library.

"I mean, we could talk if you want." Zander suggested

"alright...well..." Luke added. he scooted closer to Zander, longing for the warm, sweet yet salty, magical feeling he got whenever he was close to his best friend.

after a while, Luke was quite close to Zander. he was slowly scooting closer to him, hoping it would go un-noticed. they were close enough to the point that their thighs were touching. Luke and Zander had been talking for a few hours now. Zander seemed a bit moody, but Luke figured he was just tired. Luke felt the grip of Zanders Pinky finger around his own. Luke tensed up for a moment, until a rush of happiness flew over him. Zander's head fell onto Luke's shoulder.

"Is this okay?" Zander asked, as he gripped Luke's whole hand into his own.

"y-yeah. of course." Luke whispered

"It's cold in here" Zander added

Luke pulled off his sweater and put it over Zander like a blanket.

"t-thank you" Zander stuttered, a huge blush spread across his face this time.

"wanna listen to some music? I brought earbuds" Luke asked

Zander shook his head yes. Luke pulled his phone and earbuds out of his backpack, and handed an earbud to Zander. after a while Zander had fallen asleep. Luke planted a kiss on Zanders lips. afterward, he wondered why he had done that. he didn't have permission, and he and Zander weren't dating. nor had they kissed before. after a moment, Luke heard a soft chuckle. his eyes went wide.

"goodnight kiss?" Zander asked

"um sorry Zander I don't know why I did that!" Luke expressed

Zander lightly sighed, before leaning up and kissing Luke. the kiss lasted a few seconds until they pulled apart. their lips stuck together for a moment.

Luke made a 'mh' noise as they pulled apart. they stared at each other for a moment, until they went back in for another kiss. this time more passionate, and deeper. they kissed for a while until..

"ooh what's going on in here?" Hailey smirked, winking at the pair who had just pulled apart in shock.


"or I could do neither. why didn't you tell me you were dating?!?!" Hailey asked

"oh, we weren't or aren't or something" Luke commented

"ye-yeah. we weren't dating. we are now though I think" Zander added

"yeah we are now" Luke affirmed

"well, happy for you. I'll leave now." Hailey said, walking out and shutting the door

word count- 711


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