❤️Hidden:/: Jailey&Lander (mostly lander tbh)❤️

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(Haileys POV)

School had ended roughly three hours ago. After practice, which ended one hour ago, I headed to the library. To think.

"Hailey?" I heard a familiar voice call. I quickly looked up to see Jake. "What're you doing here?"

"Oh.. just thinking. Well, waiting for Luke and Zander to finish some project. How about you?" I questioned. He leaned down to the floor and sat next to me, he rested his back on the same bookshelf I was leaned against.

"I was just finishing up my science project with Josh." He replied. "What's up with the lights in this section?"

I giggled. "They don't work anymore. Susan, the librarian, was telling me about it"

"Oh" Jake laughed. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I blushed, but didn't think anything of it. Jake does stuff like this.

"I'm happy to see you, my princess" he scooted closer to me, grabbing my hand with his right hand. He placed a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"Good to see you too.." I mumbled. I was definitely stuttering but whatever. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It's cold in here" he said, taking off his thrifted jacket. "Here. Take this beautiful" he draped it over my shoulders.

We stayed like that for a while. Talking about nothing I guess. What was happening. Jake is cuddling with me. Jake Sterling. The boy of my dreams. My heart was pounding extremely fast.

"Woah" Luke stammered. "Are you to snuggling?" He put on a soft voice.

"Yeah. She's my princess" Jake muttered, using the same tone as Luke. Luke smiled lovingly at the sight of us. He's the only person I've told about my crush on Jake.

"Ewies" Zander said, presumably joking. He had a wide smile. "PDA is nasty" he joked. He knows he and Luke are the legal definition of public display of affection.

"Are you guys dating?" He questioned.

I laughed and started. "Oh no we-"


The room was silent. Zander began walking off. Of course Luke followed after him. Leaving me and Jake alone.

"Why did you lie?" I wondered, breaking the silence.

"Don't know" he paused. "But I do know that I wish I wasn't lying." I was stunned. He wants to date me? He laughed.

"Oh." I muttered. "I can make it happen" I can't believe I just said that. What. The. Fu-

My thoughts were cut off. He grabbed my cheek with his right hand, stroking it softly. He turned my head facing him.

"I like it when you say stuff like that" he smiled. His face looked so sincere. I've never seen him like that.

My mouth was slightly opened. My face was redder than I think it's ever been before. He kissed me.

He pulled away, his face lingering close to mine. "I love you, princess."

(Luke's POV)

"S-so.. Zander" I started. Sometimes i get this nervous feeling around Zander. Not Because im scared of him. I just do.

"Yes sunshine?" He mumbled, leaning his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Nice.

"what should we talk about while we wait for Hails?" I questioned, leaning my head on his hair.

"I dunno. We can just sit here together" He said. He grabbed my hand and softly kissed my palm. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"I love you" He whispered.

I placed my hand on his jaw, tilting it up a bit. "Not as much as i love you" I mumbled, kissing him softly.

"Not possible" He said, meeting our lips once again. Zander pulled away and rested his head back on my shoulder.

"I have something for you" I said, pulling my gift out of my pocket. I placed a shiny golden promise ring onto his ring finger.

"A ring?"

"A promise ring" I beamed, still using a quiet voice. "That means you promise to marry me one day and stay with me forever"

The smirk on his face turned into a loving smile.

"Will you accept it?" I questioned, holding his small, delicate hand to my chest.

Zander smiled somehow wider. "Yes of courss baby" he pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing me harder than he ever has.

"Can I tell you something?" He said. I agreed yes.

He took a deep breath. "I don't.." He paused, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in not only confusion, but worry.

"I don't love-..." he started. My throat became dry and sparce. Did the ring throw him back? Oh god i messed up didn't I.

"Im scared. About Jake and Hailey." Zander finished. Oh. I sighed a breath of relief.

"Oh. Why?"

He paused again. "Im scared he'll break her heart."

"Don't worry hunny. If anything happens you can hurt him and I wont hold you back" I laughed.
He cackled at my remark.

"Can we go back to flirting with eachother?" I broke the silence, which was the opposite of awkward. He shook his head yes.

"When we get married I want lots of flowers" I started. Pulling him into my lap and hugging him. My hands ran up and down his back.

"Mmm.." He mumbled. He pecked just below my jaw (Not in a gross way, don't be like that pls-). I could feel his smile on my warm skin.

"Hey you two, we're rea- dy.." Hailey was cut off by the sight of me and Zander. "Oh.. whoops."

"Hehe Luke and Zander sittin in a tree-"

"Don't. Say. it." Zander replied to Jake's childish song.


"Uhh.. anywho.. let's get home Zan. Mom and dad are probably waiting." Hailey remarked, helping Zander off the ground.


Hayayayayahs hope you enjoyed this! Happy winter solstice and winter break!! Merry/happy Christmas!!

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