💋 Twenty Questions💋

521 14 16

They're 14 in this one lads and lasses🤭


Zander had been staring at the wall for what felt like forever. Luke had been asleep for the past three hours, and though he tossed and turned Zander just couldn't fall asleep.

After closing his eyes for an hour, he tried counting the glowing star stickers that he had stuck to his ceiling a year back, though it was so faint he could hardly see them.

Eventually he gave up and just excepted that he probably wouldn't fall asleep tonight.

He sat up and turned his bed side lamp, a glimpse of hope that Luke would wake up from the light.

His hope was shattered when he leaned over Luke to see he was sound asleep. Zander sighed. He couldn't decide if he should wake Luke or not.

Stuck on his thought, he turned the lamp back off and leaned against the headboard, his eyes not moving from Luke's limp body.


Zander jumped at the sound of his name being called, causing Luke to smile as he turned over to face his best friend.

"I didn't know you were awake" he said, looking away from Luke's figure.

Luke laughed and rubbed his eyes. "I've been awake since you turned the light on."

"Oh I'm sorry" Zander replied. Luke sat up and leaned on the bed frame next to Zander.

Luke yawned and leaned on Zander's shoulder.

"We could play a game or something to pass time" Luke suggested.

Zander's heart skipped a few beats. He could feel his cheeks heating up, but tried his best to ignore it. He thanked god - or whoever was up there - for the lights being off.

"Uh.. okay. How about twenty questions?" He suggested.

"Um, what's your least favorite color?"

Zander shrugged. He took a moment to think. "Probably Bright green."

Luke nodded. "Good answer"

Zander smiled to himself. He so loved that Luke was willing to wake up and play a game with him in the middle of the night jsut because he couldn't sleep.

"Um.. do you like anyone?"

The room went completely silent. Zander couldn't even hear Luke breath.


Zander's heart pounded. His stomach hurt from anxiety.

"Do.. do you like someone?"

"Well, yes. I do. A lot." Zander replied. his mind was racing at a million miles per minute.

Zander thought deeply about what his next question would be.

Finally he settled on something that made his heart go even faster and his stomach sting even more.

"Are they a girl?"

Luke went silent once again. This time, Zander could hear Luke's heavy breath. Was Luke nervous too?


Zander swallowed hard with this knowledge.

"Is your person a boy?"

Zander nodded, though he knew Luke couldn't see him, and replied quietly "yes. He's a boy."

Zander could feel the bed moving around and Luke shuffling his body closer. He sat himself
Next to Zander, leaning his head on his shoulder.

Zander cautiously wrapped his arm around his crush. His face was bright red and felt a million degrees.

"So.. do I know him?" Zander asked.

Luke nodded into Zander's shoulder. "Really well."

Zander slowly leaned his head on top of his counter parts. "Do I know your person?"

Zander didn't say anything, he just lifted his head slightly and nodded.

Luke moved his head from Zander's shoulder to meeting his eyes in the dark room. Zander could just barely make out Luke's face, but he could see his eyes reflect light, glimmering in the moon light.

"Do you wanna know who my person is?" Luke asked.

Zander smiled, trying to make the mood lighter. "Hey, you can't ask two questions in a row-"

Luke interrupted Zander by placing a hand on his cheek. "Do you want to know?"

Zander slowly nodded, Luke's hand remaining placed gentle on his cheek.


Zander's eyes widened slightly, his eye brows raising in shock. His face turned even redder then it was before, if that was possible.

Luke chuckled at Zander's reaction, bringing their faces close together.

"Can I?"

Zander shook his head yes, closing his eyes in advanced to Luke's lips on his. He couldn't watch.

Luke leaned in, closing the gap between them.

Zander's entire body was in shock. He was shaking. As the kiss went on, Zander's body cooled down more. His still felt the same butterflies as before, but it was no longer painful. It was a nice feeling.

After about 20 seconds, Luke pulled apart, leaving Zander breathless in shock.

"What does this mean for us?" Luke asked after a brief pause to admire Zander's moon-lit beauty.

Zander smiled softly. "Whatever you want it to mean."

Luke smiled back at Zander before leaning back in for one more kiss, hugging Zander, and pulling him to his chest to finally fall asleep.

Luke's comfort had finally let Zander fall asleep after a night of tossing and turning.

He was finally comfortable.



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