-🧡Smily Zander💜-

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[Lukes POV]
I woke up this morning at around 7:00, and I sat up to see Zander already awake. I was confused, so i stood up off the ground to face him.

"morning Zander?" i questioned

"good morning Luke! I missed so so much" he said, smiling

"why so happy? Your normally all angry and grumpy in the morning. Last time i said 'good morning' to you when i slept over you said 'mmm' and then went back to sleep and turned away from me" i said, rolling my eyes and grabbing Zander's blistered-piano-hands

"well, maybe I wanna say good morning to you properly. I love you" Zander said, playing around with my fingers

"I love you too Zan" I said, smiling

"come give me kisses" he said, opening his arms

I crawled up onto his bed and rapped my arms around him. I then proceded to give him a big kiss, and we both pulled away at the same time

"Thank you~!" He said, smiling wide and closing his eyes

"You want to go and get some breakfast? The rest of the club is here too" I said, running my fingers through his hair

"Yes! I am very hungry I want bagel chips" he said, getting out of his bed

"Shouldn't you get dressed? You in your pajamas" i said, looking at his pajamas with a questioning face

"Nope I just want food" he said opening the door

"Whatever you say" I said getting up and exiting the room

Zander practically ran down the stairs and when he got down, he hugged Hailey right off

"Woah woah are you okay?" Hailey asked, hugging him back

"I'm doing mighty fine!" Zander said, jumping up and down

"Hey Zander?" I asked, brainstorming

"What's up Luke?" Zander replied, walking over to me

"Do you wanna go to the park with me?" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist as he wrapped his around my neck


"What about...do you wanna give me a kiss?" I said, twirling Zander

He leans in and gives me a kiss

"Does that answer your question?" He asked, smiling at me

"It does, but I'm not quite satisfied..." I said, with a thinking face

He leaned in and kissed me once more

"are you satified?" he asked, smiling

"very." i said before he pulled out of the hug and walked over to sit next to Jake

"woah, did Zander just sit next to Jake?" Milly asked sarcastically

[the next day]

[Zander's POV]

"Morning Zander!" Luke said as I walked past

"mmm" i said, walking over to him

"what happened to smily-Zander?" he asked, frowning

"who the hell is smily-Zander?" I asked, rolling my eye's

"Okay, what happened to your happy attitude from yesterday?" Luke asked, finally meeting up with me

"oh. Milly dared me to do that. I wasnt alowed to tell anyone until today though" I said, starting to walk

"oh...so...the kisses didn't mean anything to you...?" He asked, looking sad

"Luke, I don't think you understand. Every kiss between us means the world to me. Because...because I love you" I said, blushing intensely

"Heh, I love you too Zan" he said, grabbing my hand

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