💔Cheater 💔

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Requested by @Im_Your_MotherNow <3

(Luke's POV)

A strange, quiet boy He was. He only walked into the classroom ten minutes ago. He looked.. scared. I looked over at my friends, Eve and Jace (a/n first names that came to my head), they were off in their own worlds, like always.

Maybe I'll go ask his name. He looks lonely.

I sat up from my seat, making my way toward the upper half of the room, where he was sitting.

"Hi!" I beamed. He swiftly shifted his view. His face grew worried as I smiled at him. Why was he so weary?

"Uh.. hello" he mumbled. He's very quiet. Strangely quiet. I took the empty seat next to him. Why does he look so horrified? Is there something on my face? Does he want me to go away?


"My name is Luke! How about you?" I sang.

"Zander" he replied, turning to the coloring page he was using. I peeked over his shoulder, observing the drawing. It was nothing but a picture of Clifford. I guess he likes dogs. The more I inspected it the more I realized; the pristine lines, the even coloring? He's pretty good.

I added "I like your picture!" Causing him to crack a smile. I did it! It broke through the wall holding him back from the rest of the world. My job here is done.

No more trying necessary!

Without looking up at me, he said "you can have it"

It want it. I inched my face closer to the purple he was using to color in the sunset in the background. The purple faded into orange.

I turned my eyes to look at his. We made eye contact. We inspected each others faces for a moment. He doesn't smile much.

"You have lovely eyes" I murmured. He grew a concerned look. "They are my new favorite. It looks like color you used for the sunset"

He smiled. "You're observant" I noticed his voice was silvery. His smile was gentle, even a little neat.

"Wanna be best friends?" I offered. He nodded yes. I really like this new boy. He's a tough nut, but I know he's very sweet on the inside. He's fun to talk to.

<Years later>

Years have passed. And boy, do I have a story for you. It was fifth grade. The talent show. I asked Zander to do the show with me, he declined. While we were watching it, some kids put on some 'scary' performance. I didn't think it was scary, but Zander did. In an attempt to brush the fear away, I offered to let him squeeze my hand. He took up the offer. That's when I realized. I love Zander. But I can't. I didn't like lgbt. Because if my parents. They are.. very faithful to god. They take everything very literal. Y'know that Bible verse that says something about 'a man shall not lie with another boy'? Well, that's what I believed under their influence. Internalized homophobia. Anyways, ever since then, I'm not shy to say that I've been in love with him.

But recently, my parents decided I need a girlfriend. 'Your fourteen and in Highschool now' is what they would always say. But whatever. I'll move out and get to be with Zander soon. Four more years in this hell. I don't think they realize what they put me through.

Anyways. Now I'm in a 'relationship' with the freshman year head girl. I explained my situation and aparently she liked me so there's that. But, the issue is, I don't like her. Her name is Daisy. I feel terrible.

And that's not the only issue. Zander doesn't know yet. At this point, we both know we like eachother. But we can't date because of my parents. I feel like all his problems are my fault. I don't know how I'm gonna tell him.

Today. I was walking Daisy to her first block. People walk by and wave at us as we make our way down the corridor. Daisy looped her arm through mine, and held on with her other hand.

In the distance, I could see Zander's purple hair. I was I going to let go of daisy without embarrassing her or making her feel bad? I'm not ready for Zander to know.

He noticed me and waved, his small smile disappearing as he came closer. His eyebrows furrowed. Finally he approached me.

"Uh... you guys are dating?" He mumbled, a slight tone of jealously in his voice.

Daisy giggled. "Yup!"

"Okay.." he frowned. His eyes had a glossy texture. He slowly stumbled away, walking into the bathroom. What was I going to do?! The love of my life. I broke his heart.

A tear ran down my cheek. But I quickly wiped it before daisy could find out. This was a huge endeavor in our relationship.

<present time>

I'm sixteen. Lonely. Still dating daisy. Zander and I are not distant, however. We've been dating in secret for a year now. I feel terrible. I'm cheating on my girlfriend. With my best friend. This is like on of those tiktok jokes you see in 'fruity' videos.

But I love him and nothing can change that.


I pulled Zander back in, locking our lips for a five-second-kiss. Once it was over, he layed his head on my shoulder. We sat at the head of my bed, cuddled up to eachother.

We'd been dating in secret for a while now.

I went back in for a second kiss. Sometimes, when you really love someone, it's hard to keep your hands off them. We kissed for a second. Until a feminine whimper was heard from my door. I looked up and watched as she closed the door behind her.

"What the heck Luke! I came to surprise you and I walk in on this?! Is this what it's all about? All the hiding? What, have you been snuggling eachother to sleep? Falling asleep on FaceTime? Making out in the school bathrooms and closets and music room? And two weeks before our anniversary?!"

My eyes went wide. Zander and I's faces grew guilty. I really did care about daisy. I feel so terrible about myself. I can't believe I didn't tell her.

"Daisy.. I'm really sorry. I wanted to tell you.. but my parents can't find out." I explained. She wiped the tears off her cheek.

She shook her head yes as she calmed down. "I know.. I'm sorry. I freaked out. And.. if I'm being honest,, I think I like girls"

Zander stood up off the bed and pulled her into a hug. A gentle hug. Zander had a tight hug. But a big heart. He knows Daisy pretty well I guess.

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong" he mumbled into her ear. "I'm sorry"

Finally. I could be with the one I loved. The only person I had to keep it from was my parents. But boy, do I love my Zander.

(A/n: sorry if it's short<3)

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