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"Hey, I've got you. It's going to be okay baby. Your going to be okay" Luke mumbled onto Zander's neck. His words echoed through Zander's mind. Luke felt Zander's tears through his sweater. They were deep, and cold.

"I love you" He added. He pulled his face out of Zander's collar, looking him in his red puffy eyes. Zander sat comfortably in Luke's lap.

Zander sniffled. "I love you too" his words were quiet. He looked so pretty. He trusted Luke with him even at his lowest point.

"What's your favorite color?" Luke questioned. He always did this when Zander was sad. He'll ask him a series of random simple questions, and then ask him what's wrong.


"What's your birthdate"

"October 29th 2003"

"What's my birthdate?"

"May 19 2004"

"Zodiac signs?"

"I'm a Scorpio, you're a Taurus"

"What's your favorite food?"

"Grapes. Cheesecake is also accepted"

"What instrument do you play?"


"What's your favorite music genre"


"Who's your favorite person"

"You, Luke Peterson"

"Who's your favorite sibling"

"They are both equally as annoying"

"What do you do in your free time?"

"Read, call you, watch TikTok"

"When did we start dating?"

"November 7th, 2020"

"What's today's date?"

"November 12th, 2021"

"McDonald's or Burger King?"


"Half full or half empty?"

"Half empty"

"What's wrong?"

Zander went silent.

"It's complicated.." he replied. Luke wiped the tears from Zander's cheeks with his thumbs. He pulled Zander onto his chest, laying the both of the down.

"Take your time, love." Luke insisted. He closed his eyes. He ran his fingers through Zander's hair.

Silence filled the room for a minute.

"My mom. She's so.. difficult. She gets mad at me for the littlest things like 'would your biological dad let that slide?' Or 'are you REALLY gonna eat all that?' 'Suck it up and be a man. You're already girl enough'.. it just.. I don't know. I love her and she is amazing it's just recently, she's been.."

Luke didn't say anything. Until. "Talk to her. I'm sure that's what you expected me to say, but it really is the best advice. When I leave tomorrow evening, go on a car ride with her or something"

Zander smiled. Once again, Luke's comforting skills prevailed.

(Sorry this chapter is short I just wanted to write fluff or whatever you'd call this)

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