🧹Cleaning, Cuddles // Lander 🧹

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Requested by: BritBeth_Forever <33
Word count: 823

It was a slightly chilly autumn day, and Zander and Luke where left cleaning after school. They had been fighting with Drew, until he hit Zander, and, got punched in return. The teachers believed Drew when he said Zander hit him first. And Luke, well, they didn't like his word choice.

"That's fcking stupid." Luke mutters, unaware of his volume. Miss Jones gasped, and he realized what he said.

"Alright then Luke, if you have so much to say, why don't you help Zander. And instead of my classroom, you can clean the lunch room!" Miss Jones put on a fake smile, as the two lovers eyes went wide.

".. okay. Sorry." Zander finished, a gloomy tone in his high-pitch voice. They all walked away.

~after school~

"This is so damn annoying.. why would they believe him! Now I'M stuck cleaning half of this disgusting lunch room." Zander continued to complain, sweeping the broom back and forth.

Luke, following after, replied "yeah.. after school you wanna come over and see my hamsters? And of course my dog"

"Hell yeah"

Finally, it was time to clean the tables.

"Well, we could probably save ours for last,, y'know, since we don't eat like pigs. I think Jessica and Mimi's group is the most messy, as well as Tanner and Kayla. I'll clean after Tanner and Kay, you to Jessica and Mimi." Zander directed his peanut haired boyfriend.

"Alright. Doesn't Hailey know Kayla?" Luke wondered as he began cleaning the table closest to him, as directed.

"Think so. She's come over once" he replied, going with the small talk. He also began cleaning a table a few down to the left.

Zander dropped a broom and it echoed through the huge room. He closed his eyes and scrunched his nose, as well as the rest of his body.

He let out continued groans. "DAMNIT! I can't do this anymore..!" Zander's head bowed down in sorrow as he allowed the rest of the equipment to fall, causing loud bangs, one after the other.

Dangit how to you properly stop a Zander meltdown.. I know! Luke thought, brightening up at his genius idea. He walked over to Zander, and pulled him into a hug. Gently stroking his hair, Luke offered "how about, when we go to my place later, we can snuggle?

Zander let out a sigh into Luke's chest, he gentled his grip around his boyfriend. "Yeah.. Okay. I'll do it" Zander muffled the first part into Luke's sweater.

He got all of his equipment off the ground and began wiping off the table, as quick as possible. Luke chuckled at his boyfriends excitement.

Sooner or later, the cleaning was finished. By now, it was about 6 in the afternoon. The pair was exhausted, and not fit for walking, yet they had a mile walk ahead of them. Hand-in-hand, they made their way down the path they always took.

"Yeah and then Pepper and Skittles somehow got out of their cages! I had to run around the whole living room trying to find them. Luckily Pepper is a Syrian and Skittles is a European so they were easier to spot than if Zander junior got out-"

"Zander junior?" Zander asked, slowling down his steps.

Luke, embarrassed, replied, "Oh.. yeah I named him when I was thirteen don't judge"

"I'm starting to think you were an even bigger simp for me back then" Giggled Zander, Luke too.

"Not really. I'm just less cringy" in laughs, the golden eyed boy explained to his slightly older boyfriend.
Zander's laughing, know slowed, continued.

"Alright then." He finished, gently poking Luke's shoulder.

-at Luke's house-

Luke walked up to the door, speeding up as to open it for Zander. The moment you step into Luke's house you can see nearly ten hamster cages just in his living room.

"Lemme just check their food. I'll meet you in my room?" Luke affirmed of his boyfriend. Zander gave a nod, and headed to the stairs. He entered his boyfriends rather small bedroom, tossing his bag on the floor.

He gently plopped himself down on Luke's bed, and 'burrowed' blankets for them to snuggle up in. He excitedly sat in the blankets, giving a small squeal.

Luke entered the room to see Zander, in a pile of blankets. Of course, he giggled knowing Zander had prepared it for them. He carefully jumped into the pile, trying not to land on Zander.

He layed himself down next to the Zander, and gently swung his arms around the short boy next to him. Zander snuggled his face into Luke's chest, also wrapping his arms around his counterpart.

Zander kissed Luke's jawline and traveled up to his lips. A moment later the kiss ended, and the boys fell asleep. In each other's arm<333

Sorry it's short haha- I couldn't think of anything to write about them cuddling so idrk- hopefully it's at least good jxjzksosw itsthehamsterjokesforme-

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