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I never knew how much I hated silence. But sitting here, alone, writing in this damn journal is more boring than my eighth grade math class. Which is saying something. Mrs. Moore – Or whore as I like to call her– never really had anything good to say except for algebra one or how to solve numbers of operations. (Which wasn't that great either.) but my therapist is making me write my "feelings'' or whatever. Claims she won't read it. I call bullshit. I mean, who the fuck makes a mentally ill seventeen year old write down their feelings in a stupid glittery notebook, takes it back, stores it in a drawer, and doesn't fucking read it? Anyways. My chair is spinny, so that's fun.

The door creaks open and in walks none other than the woman herself.

"Okay. Are you finished sweetie?" She says, an annoying pip in her voice. But, aren't therapists always annoying? I nod. She takes the book from me, opens her drawer, and places it neatly in the front of the drawer.

I scoff. "You sure you don't read it?"

She nods and smiles. I roll my eyes, but stay silent.

"So. I don't want to force things on you too fast, but you've been my patient for six months now, and I think this is a very important subject for you."

I swallow hard, knowing what she's about to ask me.

"Are you ready to talk about your father?"

My heart sinks. My hands shake. My lips quiver as I try to form words in my mouth.
'I don't have to do this. I don't have to do this-' the words repeat in my head over and over again until finally I can speak.


My stomach drops. I don't exactly know why I replied how I did. I knew I wasn't ready. But now I'm stuck talking about it.

Hopefully you like the spoiler *wink wink*

I am in high hopes of getting this done before school starts but idk- I have a month😀

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