❓What did I miss?❓

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(Jakes POV)

I was going to sit with the guys today. Usually me and the club will grab our food and then head to the rehersal room, but not today. It had been a month since the competition. It snowed for the first time this winter just a week ago.

"So what's new?" Jake asked as one of the popular girls named Dionn walked up to their table, kissing Drews cheek.

"Uh.. Where's Zo?" I wondered as the new girl looked at me in annoyance.

"Ugh. Don't talk about that bitch" she sighed as she walked away from our lunch table. I guess she and Drew must have broken up.

"Yeah we broke up. She was cheating on me and using me or whatever but im over it now. So now im dating Delia."

"Dionn" Liam corrected.

"Dionn" Drew repeated in a soft tone. His eyes were welled with tears but I decided to leave it be. I guess he was pretty hurt when he found out about Zoey and her sugar daddy. But, can you blame him?

"Liam" Henry started, resting a small hand onto The red eyed boys cheek. "you got food riiightt.. There." he finished, wiping the small spot of crumbs with his thumb.

Liam smiled and put his hand on Henry jawline, leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips. I stared in shock. Was Liam finally dating Henry?

"Oh" I said, nudging Drew as the two continued their flirt. "How long has that been going on?"

"Like a week and a half. They've been all over eachother ever since Friday before last"

"Huh. I guess I missed out on a lot"

Heya! I just wanted to post a quick chapter bc I've been v inactive lately:) I've been busy keeping up with my schoolwork and stuff, but hopefully you enjoyed this!

Word count: 310

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