🚌=-Bus Rides-=🚌

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[Zander's POV]

I walk to the bus stop, my first day of kindergarten after my father left. what if I make no friends? what if no one likes me? I step on the bus and immediatly notice a rather handsom boy, with reddish-brownish Hair, and big golden eyes. he is sitting on his own, so I figured, I might as well sit next to him.

"c-can I sit here?" I asked nervously

"of course" the boy said, smiling at me as I sat down next to him

"whats your name? I'm Luke by the way" Luke said, turning his head to face me

"my name is Zander" I said, turning to face him.

[flashback over]

after that, we repeated the same thing everyday. we fought, we flirted, and we even held hands for the first time

[flashback two]

"Morning Luke!" I said, sitting down next to him

"morning Zander!" said Luke, smiling me.

"you ready for your third say of 5th grade?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"I sure am" I said, leaning my head closer to him

he reached down and grabbed my hand. he rested his head on my shoulder, and closed his eyes. I felt a strong blush creep upon my cheeks, as I layed my head on his shoulder.

[flashback over]

"Good morning Zan" said Luke, in his morning voice

"good morning Luke" I said, sitting down next to him.

"oh my god. Zander, how many times have I told you. Don't stay up late!" Luke exclaimed.

"shut up. I can do what I want." I said, angrily.

"Zander! you aren't listening. you never do. it's almost like you don't even care! maybe you should sit with someone else next time" said Luke, now looking angry

"or maybe if you don't like my attitude you should sit with someone else? how about that" I said crossing my arms

"I hate you" Luke muttered under his breath

"what...?" I said, turning to face him. tears forming in my eyes

"I SAID I HATE YOU. could you hear me that time!?" he yelled

I stare at him in silence for a moment, as a wave of tears runs down my cheeks.

"NO! Wait! I didn't mean it Zander!" he said, as I continued to weep in pain

"Zander! please stop...you know I didn't mean it!" Said Luke, putting his arm on my back.

"please....?" he said, almost sounding like he gave up on life

"n-no. if you really hate me, then don't apologize. I don't even want to talk to you anymore" I said, still crying.

"Wait! Zander! you can't do this to me! please...?" he said, as he watched me wine in pain.

later on, right before our second to last block, I opened up my locker to see a note inside, that said "meet me on the school bus. the bus driver gave perms". it wasn't signed, so I had no idea who wrote it. I assumed Drew, or maybe Henry or Liam. but my gut told me to go. so after the school bell rang, Luke practically ran through the hall way. he didn't even stop to tell me he wasn't going to wait for me. but I went to the bus anyway. (we walked home from school, but took the bus to school) as I arrived, I saw Luke waiting inside the bus. then I remembered what had happened earlier, and I got a bit teary eyed. I step on the bus, and walk over to Luke, who was sitting in the seat he normally sat in.

"what do you want Luke?" I said, still a bit mad about earlier.

"I wanted to say...I'm sorry. and...and I love you" he said, blushing intensly.

"what?!" I said, shocked

"I love you Zander" he said, one last time, looking me in the eyes.

"I...I love you too Luke" I said, sitting down next to him, and placing my hand on top of his.

"c-can I kiss you?" he asked, averting his glare from my eyes to my lips

"y-yeah" I said, as he quickly rapped his arms around my waist, and starting kissing me with great passion

after a while, I finally pulled away. and we just sat there, hugging for about 10 minutes. until I went back in for another kiss.

"woah, am I interupting anything?" asked Hailey

I pulled away from Luke, and blushed instensly as I looked at Hailey.

"sh-shut up Hailey! and yes, you are interupting" I said, climbing off of Luke

"oh. well we have to go home. I've been waiting for like 25 minutes." Hailey complained

"ugh. can't you see I'm busy?" I said, annoyed

"can't you just go make out with your boyfriend?" I asked, rolling my eyes


"whatever. just...don't be home too late" said Hailey

"fine. I'll come with you" I said, leaning down and kissing Luke for a few seconds. I then pulled away, squeezed his hand, and left.








the end

I finished my second one shot Byotches!\

word count-863

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