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(Zander's POV)

The hand soap in the boys bathroom smells weird. I hate using it so much. But I'd rather that than have dirty hands. A lot of boys don't wash their hands, and that's just disgusting.

Anyways, I exit the bathroom. I turn the corner and walk just by the gymnasium. There's a weird noise coming from in there, but I can't quite make it out. It's muffled. Definatly a girl. Or a freshman.

"What the hell.." I though, gently leaning against the door. The room was black, as the lights had been out. I slowly start to push the door open, flinching as it creaks. I close my eyes tight.

Once the door is fully open, I widen my eyes as I see a familiar pink haired devil. "Milly?" I say in confusion. Why she is in here crying?

Her head turns up from her lap quickly. "Zander?" She replies in a mutter. I fast walk toward here. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" I return. She sniffles, watching me sit next to her. She leans her head on my shoulder, staring off into the dark empty gym surouding us.

"Well.." the room was silent for a moment. "I'm under a lot of pressure right now. With the competition, my grades, Zoey and Lia, my home life.. Everything is just so hard now."
She explained, playing with my hand anxiously.

"Well, I don't wanna be that person.. But I know how you feel. Do you wanna talk about it?" I said. Im not a very good comforter, I dont know what to say.

"Wait, what do you mean you have it similar?" She asked. "You have it easy pretty boy. Lots of money, a sweet boyfriend, easy going parents, need I say more?"

"All of that is kind of true. But, My mom wants me to be a doctor, like her. I don't want to be a doctor though." I explained.


I sighed. "She makes me study a lot. I have to take online courses and summer courses and at least 2 hours of study a day. The only thing that keeps me going is.. Luke. Do you have that person?"

She smiled at me. "Yeah, I do. Its you. You're always there to comfort me, and even though I don't do the same for you, i know you'll always be there right away when i need you."

As she explained, the smile across my cheeks grew wider. Milly has always been like a little sister to me. A little chihuahua biting at my ankle.

I hugged her. She hugs me all the time. But this time it was different. Real.

Hopefully u liked this short of platonic Mander haha.. I couldn't think of anything else to write so sry its short

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