☀️Summer visit//part 1☀️

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Zander slowly opened his eyes, sitting up gently. He observed the similar place, and remembered it as Luke's bedroom. He turned his head to see his boyfriend, still asleep.

"Cute" he thought to himself, stroking Luke's cheek. He bent over and kissed The taller boys forehead.

Zander turned to look the opposite way, to the window letting air into the rather small bedroom.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, and immediately knew it to be Luke. He was rather clingy when he was tired.

"Zan.. cuddle please" Luke whined in a tired whisper.
Zander turned back and hugged him gently.

"You're warm" Luke replied; speaking into Zander's shoulder.

"It's time to get up love. Your mom wants to see us before she has to leave for work." Zander scoffed, running his fingers through Luke Hair.

Luke sighed and pulled the blanket off. He picked Zander up bridal style, and carried him to the living room.

"Good morning kiddos" Luke's mom smiled. Luke gently let Zander's feet hit the ground.

"Morning mom"


"How'd you sleep?" She questioned, putting a few random items in her bag.

"Well, I mean fine I guess. Not even Zander really fit on my bed" Luke giggled, resting his arm on Zander's head.

"Is that a short joke..?" Zander wondered, giving Luke the stink eye.

"Maybe" Luke replied in giggles.

"Well, Anyways, good news is your sister is coming to visit form university for a week or so. She should be arriving today." Luke's mom grew excited, Luke as well. Zander new Luke's sister, Avery, was one of his best friends.

"I'll be off to work then. Don't get in too much trouble while I'm gone." She finished, throwing her purse over her shoulder.

"Bye mom" Luke replied.

Zander waved bye.

"So, wha'dya wanna do?" Luke questioned. Zander looked up at Luke.

"You know what I wanna do" Zander smiled gently. Luke's face turned red.

"I-I uh-"

Zander burst out laughing. "Let's just watch something"

Zander took Luke by the hand and lead him to the couch. Both sat down.

Luke wrapped his arms around Zander and pulled him closer. Zander scooted over rested the back of his head in Luke's chest.

"Whad'ya wanna watch?" Luke questioned. Zander pulled a blanket over them.

"Can we watchhh.. I don't care you chose" Zander said.

"Alright then I'm putting it on The Promised Neverland" Luke replied.

"Isn't that the one about human trafficking?" Zander wondered, rolling his eyes.

"Kind of yeah. What episode did u last see?"

"The one with the cute little kids"

"They all have cute little kids" Luke giggled.

"Okay the one where the emo one tried to set himself on fire" Zander replied, half annoyed, half laughing.


Luke put it on the show, and they cuddling for a while until there was a knock at the door. Luke jumped up really quick and ran to the door. Zander smiled at Luke's childish behavior.

Zander got up slowly as he heard the door open and walked to the door.

"Oh my god Zander!!" Avery yelled, running to hug Zander.

"Avyn..!" Zander exclaimed.

"Oh do you still have a speech impediment? I hope not- oops sorry" She exclaimed.

"No I don't have a speech impediment I'm just used to calling you that. Hailey was the one with the speech impediment." Zander replied. "I can't breath please let go" he added breathlessly.

"Whoops! Oh and- I forgot to add, I do not want to live in a world where ZANDER WICKHAM has a better figure than me" she laughed, letting go of Zander.

"I don't really, accept- OH NO"


"Someone stole your ass!" Zander yelled. Both he and Luke began laughing, while Avery stared disappointed.

"Very funny. Have you seen Luke's ass?" She added.

Zander looked down. "No his is fine-"

"Jk jk I just wanted to see if I could get you to look"

Zander laughed sarcastically.

"Soooo Luke told me you where his boyfriend? Finally?!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Yeah.. yeah we are" he confirmed, blushing lightly.

"Awww do u guys kiss?" She teased, making a weird voice.

"Yeah, actually" Luke replied, wrapping his arm around Zander's shoulder.

"Oh.. I mean I should've expected it. Anyways did you know Luke used to draw pictures of you two kissing-"

"AVREY LENA PETERSON SHUT YOUR BIG TRAP" Luke interrupted as Zander hyena laughed.

"Oh guess who I brought with me!" Avery moved to one side and Hailey jumped out.

"Wow..!!" Zander exclaimed.

"Oh and to answer your question, they kiss A LOT. Like a lot a lot." Hailey laughed.

"Okay since we're using middle names HAILEY LAIN AUSTIN IF YOU DONT SHUT THE HELL UP I WILL THROW A BOOK AT YOU" Zander exclaimed. Hailey laughed.

"Fine fine sorry" she continued giggling with Avery. "So whad'ya wanna do?"

Haha I hope u enjoyed part one.. anyways- sry for not posting much I've been busy and sad balancing wattpad and trying to figure out my yt channel so- yeah^^

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