Some hcs✨

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Random hcs bc I can

Luke scrunches his nose when he has to pee

Zander's palms get itchy when he's nervous

Milly talks really fast, so fast sometimes that her brain won't process the words fast enough for her mouth. So she uses a lot of filler words when she talks such as "uh" "like" "uhm"

Jake rubs his neck or arms when he's bored

Hailey bites her lips or cheeks.

Also I just had my first V ball game and to celebrate my team losing I'm gonna do what positions I think tmf would do🤪

Luke: DEF a middle blocker. It's the vibes.
Hailey: setter. Nobody can tell me otherwise.
Zander: libero because he's short and I'm a libero #projecting
Milly: also a libero because Zander taught her how to play and she plays it best👍 #alsoprojecting
Jake: also a setter just bc I think he's like such a perfect height for it or left back👍👍
Sean: right back I know he's tall he just gives that vibe yk?
Drew: right back because they covor the least amount of the court and I don't like Drew
Zoey: right back because I have a love hate relationship with it
Lia: middle front because I hc lia to be a tall queen ✨💅
Henry: left back because he's short and I don't think he's be a libero/ds/middle back (they r all different I'm pretty sure but still)
Liam: left front
Sadie: setter
Daisy: right back I think?
Stacy: setter
Elliott: right back bc they covor the least amount of the court and the dude only has like 2 lines
Micheal: an absolute king. He's the varsity coach. Also plays middle front because I said so.
Shannon: libero. Her son followed in her footsteps🙄. Girls varsity/JV coach.
Bethany: too young to actually know but I guess left back? Or setter idk.

I'm organizing them into mini teams bc im so fucking boredddd

BOYS Varsity:
Luke//middle blocker
Henry//left back
Liam//left front
Sean//right back

GIRLS Varsity:
Zoey//right back
Lia//middle front
Sadie//right front
Daisy//left back
Stacy//Defensive specialist

Junior Varsity:
Drew//right back
Elliott//middle blocker
Mystery lesbian #1 (pls tell me yk who I'm talking abt)//setter
Mystery lesbian #2//left back
Girl who was using Zander's piano as if it was a TOY//right front

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