🏳️‍🌈Homophobia//Zia angst(?)🏳️‍🌈

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Zia angst bc why not:)

(Lia's POV)

Two weeks ago. Drew and Zoey broke up because Drew came out as Bi. God was Lia afraid for her best friend to find out she was a lesbian, and not to mention her massive crush on Zoey.

"I mean.. I could talk to Liam and Henry.. I think they're gay and pan.. I don't know. God it's so stressful.. I wish I was straight." Lia cried, plopping her head into her lap. Her legs were crunched up to her chest, and she was sat on a closed toilet seat.

She heard a loud knock on the stall. "O-oh! Sorry I'm just leaving!" Lia replied to the knock jumping up off the seat.

She opened the stall to see Daisy standing there. "You're lesbian?" Daisy questioned, looking up at the slightly taller girl.

"Well.. yes"

"That's amazing!" Daisy exclaimed, pulling Lia into a big hug. "My moms are lesbian and I'm bi with a preference for women!"

"Oh.. so we can relate!" Lia announced with passion in her voice.

"But, I always thought you liked Jake?" Daisy wondered, letting go of Lia.

"Well, I didn't. It was a cover up.. I'm sorry if that sounds terrible"

"It's fine! I actually pretended to like Jake back a year or so ago, but I really liked Hailey. So every since we've been together, I've been really happy! Look, we even have matching promise rings" daisy excitedly exclaimed. Hailey stepped into Lias view and held out her hand, both Hailey and Daisy overly excited.

"Aww..! Do you guys.. what I mean is, can you help me? I really like Z- this girl; but she isn't exactly.. excepting. I don't know what to tell her.."

"Of course we can Lia! Maybe we can get.. Uhm, Zander and Luke, and maybe even Liam and Henry!" Hailey said, looking back and forth between her girlfriend, and Lia.

Daisy added, "Y'know Stacy and Sadie are together to! I feel like maybe they'll help us"

"Alright! I'll gather everyone into a group chat. Any way I could get your number Lia?" Finished Hailey, accordingly pulling out her phone. Lia grabbed it and entered her number.

"Thank you.. but I have to ask, after everything I've done to you Hailey? Why are you helping?" Lia wondered, scooting closer to the girls.

"Well, the gays stick together. But really, I believe in second chances"

Hailey smiled.


(In the gc)

Hailey: okay gays, we have a mission
Zander: wtf r u talking abt? Why am i in This gc?
Hailey: bc Lia needs homo-help
Luke: oh, okay! What's up?
Lia: well, I kind of have a crush on Zoey.. but she's homophobic. When Drew came out as bi she broke up with him and called him gross
Henry: maybe she's a biphobic lesbian
Lia: doubtful
Stacy: that's poo. But I'm sure we can scurry up something!
Lia: thx gays❤️
Zander: no
Zander: np*
Luke: ofc!:)
Daisy: I was thinking maybe u could just try flirting a bit? It might not work out. Try teaching her abt how it's okay!
Liam: that could actually work
Lia: maybe I'll try that. Thx again
Sadie: I think that maybe you should just tell her. I feel as though she might be a homophobic homosexual.
Zander: I was thinking the same thing
Sadie: virtual high-five.
Zander: yeah
Lia: idkkk I'll try flirting and teaching and then I'll tell her if it goes smoothly. I'm gonna invite her to my place now. Tysm


Zoey had just entered Lia's bedroom. Lia was a sweaty blushy mess, but ready to start up.

"So, you look super uh.. hot- pretty." Lia stuttered.

"Thanks you look good too. But like, when do we not look hot" Zoey joked.

"Yeah.. specially you" Lia smiled gently at her crush, blushing.

"Omg it's all you literally stop" Zoey stuttered, a small pink tint on her cheeks. "Your face is super red babe"

"O-oh! Yeah I wouldn't know why. I guess I'm just flattered!?"

"Y'know. You're cute" Zoey complimented, gently placing her right hand on Lia's cheek. Both of the girls were bright red.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Zoey broke the silence. Lia shook her head yes. "I'm a lesbian"

Lia stared in shock

"When I broke up with Drew.. it wasn't because he was Bi, it's because I'm lesbian. He's the only other one who knows."

"Oh my god. Same. I'm literally a simp for.. a girl. I faked liking Jake"

"I'm a simp for a very special girl" Zoey smiled, twirling her fingers through Lia's hair.

"Yeah?" Lia flirted back, knowing she had taking a W. "Who might this lovely lady be?"

"Mm, you can guess" Zoey insisted, thought she gave Lia no time to guess, instead, she kissed her.


HAJDJSKSKD another chapter that was almost done but not quite- anygays my goal was to write the most homo thing I could lol sjdjdksk

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