🔪'*Horror Movies*'🔪

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[Hailey's POV]

It was a Friday afternoon. The entire club was having a sleep over, and we decided to watch a movie.

"What should we even watch?" Milly asked, with a confused look on her face

"I'm not sure" Jake replied

"I know! We can watch a horror movie to scare Zander" Milly said, teasing

"Scary movies don't scare me" Zander remarked, rolling his eyes

"Okay then. Let's watch one" Milly finished. You could see the fear in Zander's eyes.

We put the movie on the TV. We decided to watch insidious.

After a few minutes you could tell that Zander was feeling tense, but we didn't do anything to stop it

"Ew! Blood is nasty" Zander said, his eyes widening

"Chill out Zander. It's just blood" Milly exclaimed, annoyed. She stayed sat next to Sean, leaning on his shoulder.

"Yeah and guts!" Zander exclaimed

"Just shut up and watch the movie" Milly rendered

"Ugh fine" Zander finished

A huge jump scare approached the screen, causing Zander to wince in fear as he grabbed onto Luke.

"Please turn it off" Zander said, looking away from the gory TV

"No we are watching this" Milly said upset

"Ugh. It I don't like it. I have to admit, I am scared" Zander said, squeezing Luke's hand harder

"Ouch Zander. You are squeezing my hand really hard" Luke said, wincing at the pain

"Sorry Luke. It's just super scary" Zander said

A while later there was another scary scene, and Zander was done. He got up out of his seat and walked to his room. Luke followed.

"Welp. They're gone" Milly said, keeping her eyes on the TV

[Luke's POV]

Zander was scared, and got up to leave. So I followed after him

"You okay Sweetie?" I asked, grabbing his hand

"I'm fine." He replied, getting on his bed

"Can I please sit down?" I asked

"Sure you can I don't care. It's not like anyone cares what I want anyway" He said, angrily

"That's not true. I care what you want" I added

"Why would you care what I want or feel like? It's not like I matter in this world. I'm just a dumb, rude, teenage boy with a horrible personality." Zander said, tearing up

"None of that is true. I care because I love you. You are my boyfriend after all" I said, sitting down on his bed next to him

"How about we watch our own movie? We can watch something nice" I offered

"Yeah. That sounds fine I guess" He finished

"Zander listen here. You are handsome, and you are kind, and you speak your mind, and you are an amazing friend. So don't say things like that about yourself. Can I kiss you?" Luke said

"I-...yeah" Zander finished

I leaned on and closed the gap between us. only for a few seconds, but every one of those seconds counts.

"Thank you. What do you want to watch?" I asked, stroking his cheek

"Er...I don't know. We could watch the Hamilton play?" Zander offered

"Heh. Sure we can" I said

After about 30 minutes, Hailey walked in with Jake

"Could we join you? Milly and Sean fell asleep" Hailey asked

"Sure" I said
That's it sorry it's short😅

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