💋Seven minutes in heaven💋

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Finished my lander drawing:))

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Finished my lander drawing:))


Anyway- onto the story now:)

(Luke's POV)

Ahh. Seven minutes in heaven. Perhaps the scariest game ever. Oh well. It's just Hailey, Milly, Sean, Jake, and.. Zander. My boyfriend. The one person I actually wanted it to land on. Seven minutes alone in a closet with Zander.

It's my turn now. I leaned closer to the middle of the circle were the bottle had been placed, wrapping my fingers around the top. I spun it, watching as it went around and around and around over and over again.

Finally it landed. I winced. I opened my eyes to see a shocked, flustered mess of Zander. I assume I'm just as flustered as him, because everyone is staring at me.

Yes! It landed on him! I awkwardly stood up, offering a hand to my short boyfriend. He took it, and thrusted himself up.

"Have fun lovebirds~!" Milly exclaimed. I opened the closet door, leading Zander inside.
He sat in a corner of the small rectangular storage unit.

"So." I started. "Can I.. I mean- should we kiss?" I wondered. He stood up from the ground walking towards me.

"How do we wanna, y'know. Go about this?" Ye questioned. I shrugged my shoulders. "How can we go about this?"

"Uh,, well, we could just stand with our arms around eachother, or against the wall, or one of us could sit on the others lap"

"Damn. We are boring as hell. Planning how we're gonna make out."

I laughed. "Yeah, but it's what makes us comfortable. That's not boring, right? I mean, I'm down for anything that you're comfortable with"

"Okay so, should I just go with it?" He wondered. Not knowing what he meant, I nodded yes.

Milly shouted from outside the closet. "Better get to kissing because you're down to six minutes lamo's!"

Zander took action at Milly's screams. He got really close to me. I took a step back toward the wall. I could feel the wood against my butt. He tossed his arms over my shoulders.

We both leaned in at the same time. My lips parted just enough for it to seem real. I could tasted the peppermint lip balm smeared across his soft lips. I wonder if he could taste mine.

Milly slid her phone under the door at full volume blasting 'I wanna be your girlfriend' by girl in red. I'm assuming she remembered when I told her that girl in red was 'makeout session music'

Zander pulled away and grabbed Milly's phone, which was covered by a bright pink sparkly phone case. "Now I have you're search history Mil"

"Damnit!" She exclaimed. "Why don't you go back to kissing you two faced loser" Milly joked. Zander shrugged his shoulders, tossing millys phone back onto the floor.

Insteady of kissing me, he dragged me to the ground. I straightened out my legs on the floor, scooting to the side of the closet. He pulled himself next to me.

"I love you" he mumbled. He placed his fingers on my jaw, adjusting my face closer to his. He smashed his lips to mine.

I melted into the kiss. We basically swapped roles. Normally I was the one who started this type of kissing.

The alarm rang, but he didn't stop.

"Okay time is up!" Hailey exclaimed from outside the door.

I tried pulling away, but he held me still.

"Boys?!" Hailey said, knocking on the door.

Jake scoffed. "Oh ew I can hear them kissing"

Hailey laughed. "Please Jake. If you got a chance alone in a closet with Luke or Zander you would make the most of it"

"What can I say. I'm a bi-con" he replied.

"Psh. More like Bi-yourself" Milly remarked, earning a laugh from Sean. "Lemme handle this"

The closet door flung open. Zander plunged off me in shock.

"You time ending a minute ago you gay fuck" Milly said, playfully stepping on Zander's foot. Zander laughed awkwardly.

"Oh alright" Zander agreed. He stood up and walked out of the closet. "But I still have you're phone!"

I heard Zander begin running away.

"HEY!" Milly yelled.

Hailey watched as they ran off. She turned over to me, giving me a hand up.

(10 minutes later.)

Zander yawned into my sleeve, tugging gently on the cloth. He sat so close our theighs we're touching.

"Yes sweetie?" I said. He leaned on my shoulder, his arms were wrapped around me. "Are you feeling okay? You're aweful clingy tonight"

"Yeah I'm okay. Can I wear your sweatshirt?" The grape haired boy replied. I slowly took off my green zip-up hoodie and handed it to him.

"Yeah Zander. There has to be something wrong. You are legit the opposite of clingy." Sean worried, reaching across the circle and holding both of Zander's hands.

"Fine. Nothing is really wrong I guess. I just.. havent been getting sleep." He said. I could tell he's lying.

"You're lying. Don't think I can't tell. What's wrong hunny? We're just trying to help." My face grew worried. My stomach twirled.

"I'm scared you'll leave me." He said. "like my dad"

Everyone went quiet.

".. Leave you?"


"Im locked down pretty tight babe. Im more scared that you'll find someone new than me finding someone new"

"but.. You're just so perfect. And, Im, well, not even subpar. You're kind and funny, and passionate and hot.. I dont even compare to you."

"You're perfect. Perfect for me. Why don't we worry about the present. The future is later." I concluded. He shook his head okay. I hugged him. Tight. Tighter than before.


HEYAAA!! Sadly requsts will be on hiatus for a bit. If tou have a request in then pls dm it ro me so i rememver!! Hopefully i will be ready to do them after christmas:)

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