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A screech coming from the bathroom, and then inconsistent crying. Hailey heard the bathroom door open and her step brother sobbing. Immediately worried, she yells

"Are you okay?!"

No reply. Her brother walks into the living room and her eyes go wide.

"Mom.." Zander yelled, tears falling down his cheeks.
His mom put down the kitchen knife and ran to her son.

"Oh my lord what happened?!" She exclaimed, grabbing her sons arm and examining it as he whimpered in pain.

"There was a-a sp-spider on my.. my wrist and-an I hit the counter to try and k-kill it but I guess I hit it- I guess I hit it too hard" he explained between sobs and heavy breathing. At this point, his step-father was examining his hurt wrist as well as Hailey and Bethany.

"Gosh, it looks like a pretty bad break. We need to get you to the hospital." Mr. Austin demanded. Both he and his wife backed away from their son to get their things together.

Hailey gently pulled her brother into a warm hug, trying to avoid contact with his hand. He hugged her back, calming down a bit. She pulled away and walked off too.

Bethany slowly approached her teary-eyed brother.

"Uhm.. are you okay Alex?" Bethany wondered, almost in a whispering voice. Zander tried to calm himself down to answer the seven year old.

"Yeah, it just really h-hurts" he stutter in response. She hugged him, barely tall enough to reach his torso.
He bent down to the ground to accept her hug.

As soon as he let go she ran off. A few moments later, everyone was ready. Bethany ran into the family room, holding a phone up to her ear.

"Zander Luke wants to talk to you. I told him you got hurted" Bethany added, handing Zander a phone. He made a sour face when he realized it was his phone she had been using.

"How do you know the password to my phone?" Zander questioned, taking the phone from his little sister.

"I'm simply smart. All I had to do was correlate the letters under the numbers to spell 'Luke'. It was quit easy" she rendered, making a proud face.

Zander rolled his eyes.

"Long story short I hit my hand on the counter. I'll tell you later. Text me" Zander said into the phone, hanging it up as soon as his 'story' was over.

He knew if he went into detail, his boyfriend would worry more.

<at the hospital>

"it looks like a clean break. Fingers too. I can't underestmate how hard you smashed your hand. Explain what happened again?" the doctor broke the news.

"uhm.. I had a spider on my wrist and i hit my hand on the bathroom counter to try and kill it.." Zander replied. Hailey started laughing. Even the doctor was trying to hold back her laughs.

"I guess we should just get a cast on you." the doctor finished.

"It'll be hard at practice without our pianist. I mean i can kinda play but-" Hailey started.

"What?! No I'll just learn to play with my right hand.." Zander inturupted as the doctor left to get her things.

"Alright but you'll have to play songs with only one hand AND said hand in non-dominant."

"Luke and his mom are going to arrive in a minute or two fyi" Mrs. Austin added in. Zander smiled.

"Momma, is Zander gonna be better in time to play princess with me?" Bethany wondered. She jumped off her moms lap.

"I'm sure sweetie. It'll be up to him."

Bethany frowned and walked over to Zander. She grabbed his hand and fiddled with it.

"OW OW WHAT THE HELL STOP IT" He whimpered. She realized what she had done.

"Oopsies.." She teared up at the thought of making her brother cry. "I'm sorry.." she whispered as tears ran down both of their cheeks.

"It's okay it's not your fault.. You forgot thats all" Zander replied, whiping his eyes dry.

Mrs. Peterson emtered the room with her son.

"Sorry she got really worried I tried to tell her we could visit later but- Oh god that looks painful" Luke whispered as Zander smiled gently.

"Yeah it really hurts" Zander replied. Luke bent down to kiss Zanders cheek.

"Oh my god, that looks like it hurts" Mrs. Peterson barged, in an aparent Portuguese accent.

"Yeah it hurts pretty bad- OW JESUS-" Zander scoffed as he moved his wrist for her to examine.

Luke hugged Zander, pulling his face into his torso. "You smell good" Zander mumbled. Luke giggled at his boyfriends compliment

While they were hugging, the doctor walked in. Luke let go for the doctor to examine the smaller boy.

"Alright, I'll put a cast on it and you can be on your way." The doctor finished.

(After she put the cast on- idk anything medical LMAO)

While walking to the car, Zander stared at his injury. He couldn't believe he'd done all that because of a spider. The worst part is, they were playing dodgeball again in gym class and Zander wanted the beat the Jomies again.

When getting in the car, Luke and Zander got in next to each other in the very back of Zander's parents van.

"You okay baby?" Luke questioned and Zander rolled, and closed his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm just mad at myself. I knew I was a dumbass but I didn't think I was that stupid" Zander laughed, mockingly.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. We all make mistakes. Hold my hand?" Luke rendered calmly. He grabbed Zander's right hand.

Zander smiled, leaning his head on the taller boys shoulder. And just like that, they had forgotten about the broken bone and were in their own little world.

Sorry it's short again haha... also sorry it's late I went to the bounce zone and I got the worst migraine I slept since I posted that comic almost.. anyways I took a nap and I'm now fine:> ik theres mistakes i just didnt feel like fixing them lol- ALSO EP SIX COMES OUT LIKE ANY MINUTE NOW

Words: 1030

The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now