📲Short texting story<3📲

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This is just a short story of Zander and Luke texting bc im super tired and need to post- promise im working on stories! FYI Luke's sister is like 19- youll understand when u read the story

Luke: Goodmorning! How was your sleep?

Zander: good, thanks. Hbu?

Luke: alright but could've been better

Zander: what happened?

Luke: my sisters boyfriend came over and her room is right next to mine😭

Zander: that's rough :( maybe you could come over tonight? Everyone in my house is quiet once Bethany goes to bed.

Luke: okay! Let me ask my mom alright?

Zander: okay baby

Luke, carrying his phone, runs downstairs to meet his mother with his new question. He sees her sitting at the table.

"Hi mom" he beams, sitting on the stool next to her. She sets down her spoon and swallows the oats in her mouth.

"Hi honey" she smiles at her son. The club jokes that Luke got his personality from her. But in reality he's just close with his mother, and spends a lot of time with her.

Luke handed his phone to his mom, watching as she looked through the recent text conversation. She handed the phone back.

"So can I?"

"Sure sweety"


Luke: she said yes

Zander: yay! My mum said yes too.

Luke: I can't wait to see you

Zander: me neither

Luke: I'm excited for school today bc we get to do more science experiments

Zander: yeah me too. I love those.

Luke: yeah and we are lab partners too!!

Zander: yes

Luke: <3

Zander: have you had anything to eat yet? You keep slacking with breakfast.

Luke: not yet:( promise I'll eat something

Zander: eat something now and send proof you ate pls <3

Luke: okay! You are cute<333

*insert png of Luke eating Cheerios*

Zander: good

Luke: have you eaten?

Zander: yes

Luke: okay good<3

Zander: alright I'm leaving my house now so see you in a minute?

Luke: alright dear<3

Zander: <3

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