💜Periwinkle eyes💜

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@Themusicfreaksfan requested fluff, so I shall deliver>:)

-Zander's POV-

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, and I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head back to see Luke's beautiful face, his long eyes lashes and perfect bone structure. I wasn't used to being cradles up in the spooning position, but it feels quite comforting. His beautiful eyes slowly fluttered open, and I got lost in them. I sat up a bit, and turned to face Luke, bringing my head off the pillow, to which Luke gently shoved my head back on the pillow, and kissed my nose. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. I smiled softly

"Awwww" Milly teased, sitting up off the ground. I sat up and held Luke's hand.

"Where you spooning?" Jake added, smirking.

"Shut up Jake! It's not like you and Hailey weren't cuddling." I replied, flustered. Luke sat up, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Whatever. Anyway what's your favorite inside joke with the group?" Milly questioned, looking for a laugh.

"..naked mattress" Sean said with a serious face. Everyone broke out laughing except Jake.

"Luke, why did you sound so sad?!" Hailey wondered turning to face a tired Luke.

"I dunno I just saw Zander's unmade bed and my first thought was 'naked mattress' because it didn't have anything on it" Luke said in a tired voice, smiling at Hailey.

"I don't get it" Jake said in a disappointed voice.

"Sorry Jake. It was before you joined the group." Milly broke, patting Jakes back.

"What about an inside joke that Jake would get?" Hailey remarked.

"Uh.. Oh! Vibe check!" Milly yelled excitedly. Jake still wasn't laughing, but everyone else was.

"How would I find that funny Zander literally said 'guys, vibe check!' And then slapped me and ran to Luke for safty like I could hurt him" Jake groaned.

"Okay.. how about.. I'll poop myself- oh wait that's a family joke.. how about dirty Thomas undies? Oh oh or cachow mother frickers!" Hailey tried to make Jake laugh, and it worked.

"Wait, what about when Zander said 'the worst part about being sad is not being able to feel it. Which must be the worst part about Kim K's fake ass, she can't even feel it' and we all broke out laughing" Jake rejoiced.

-third person POV-

"Hey Zander, you wanna make a dance TikTok with me?? Well too bad 'cause your gonna" Milly forced, pulling Zander along with her.

Milly prepared to laugh at Zander's sucky moves.

"Okay we can do this sexy one. It's really old though" Milly added, choosing the 'savage' dance song.

They danced and Zander killed it. Milly stared astonished when Zander threw it back better than her😔✋

(sorry I just have a headcanon that zander is a rly good dancer LMAO and he would be forced to dance with like milly or something and then everyone would stare at him and how good he is. Also sry for using emojis it just felt right)

Zander sat down and Jake stared.

"Daaaamn that ass though" Jake said, biting his lip and closing his eyes.

Luke gave him the death stare and he muttered a soft 'sorry' under his breath. Luke's left hand slowly snaked around Zander's hip, and his head fell on to the smaller boys shoulder. His periwinkle eyes glittering in the morning sun.

(okay last time ill inturupt but lukes fav colors r canon red and periwinkle YALL HE LOVES ZANDERS EYES THATS WHY ITS PERIWINKLE)

Luke contently stared at Zanders eyes. Though Zander didn't have long eyelashed like Luke did, they were still the single most beautiful things Luke has ever seen.

Luke snapped back to reality when Zander kissed his cheek. He smiled brightly at his tiny boyfriend.

Sry it's short I have a tone of drafts that I rly wanna get published:D

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