I wanna be yours

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I have plenty of other story's that are more pg. 13😭😭

I'm just tryna clear out my fUCKING 19 DRAFTS


Luke grabbed his phone as the next song began playing. He turned the volume up. 'Wait a minute.. I recognize this.' Zander thought, paying close attention to the beat.

Oh hannah
I wanna feel you close
Oh hannah
Come lie with my bones

"I wanna be your girlfriend?" Zander questioned. Luke nodded yes, leaning against the wall that he had been leaned on prior to changing the music.

"Oh hannah. Don't look away" Luke mumbled to the lyrics. He's actually quit a good singer. What most people don't know is that Luke also has stage freight, much like Hailey. He doesn't sing much.

"Oh Hannah just look at me the same" he continued. This confused Zander. Was there someone else Luke loved?

Luke stopped singing and looked over at the grape haired boy.

I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips

The peanut boy staired into The shorter boys eyes, causing both of them to turn red. Zander inspected every freckle on Luke's perfect skin.
They reminded him of the stars.

"I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath" Luke sang, still looking at Zander. 'Was he directing it at me?' Zander pondered.

The lyrics repeated, this time Luke sang both sentences.

He scooted closer to his childhood bestfriend, looking deeply into his periwinkle eyes.

The beat began playing. This was the bridge of the song.

Luke pulled Zander into a kiss. As Luke slowly plucked away at Zander's will to live, the kiss deepened.

Luke explored the depths of Zander's mouth, taking advantage of every inch and crevice. Zander hummed a little noise, signaling for Luke to pull away for a second of air.

Oh hannah
Tell me something nice

Luke wrapped his left arm around Zander's waist. Zander placed both of his hands on Luke's cheeks.

Like flowers and blue skies

Zander furrowed his eyebrows as Luke placed his free hand on His Jaw.

Oh hannah
I will follow you home
Although my lips are blue and I'm cold

Zander knew he needed to pull away. But he couldn't. He wanted this desperately for so long. He couldn't end it this soon.

Lukes lips were throbbing. He lacked in experience, having only ever done this one other time.

It felt addictive.

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips

So addictive that they never wanted to stop

I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

So compelling that the boys were afraid if they quit now they would never feel it again.

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

Every passing moment tasted more like heaven. More than they had ever hoped it would.

Another bridge to the song.

All the boys could hear was eachothers deep breathing, and the sweet sound of their lips clicking together.

Luke pulled Zander's torso in closer, The tension deepening. Every passing second grew better and better.

Zander's hand brushed against Luke's. He held it tightly.

Zander eased more and more tension onto Luke's top lip. The taller boy gripping onto the others bottom lip with his own.

I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend

They switched directions, gasping for air as Zander's face moved right, and Luke's moved left.

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna be your bitch
I wanna touch you but not like this.

Zander grabbed the collar of Luke's white t-shirt causing them to become even closer.

The look in your eyes
My hand between your thighs
Oh this can't be real
It's all just a dream

Luke slowed the embrace. Neither boy could believe what was happening.

I don't wanna be your friend
I wanna kiss your lips.

Zander gently bit Luke's bottom lip. A swarm of butterflies filled both boys stomachs as what was happening settled in.

Rain pattered on the window a few feet from the bed the pair was sitting on, making the scene perhaps even more romantic.

I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath

Zander pulled out of the kiss, their foreheads remaining together for a moment.

As soon as the boys were able to open their eyes, an awkward silence fell upon them.

"I-I.. sorry." Luke said.

I don't wanna be your friend

"No. It's fine." Zander insisted.

If Zander was being honest, he would've told Luke that he'd never felt better in his almost 17 years of life.

But he couldn't say that.

So instead, he took Luke's hands, and pulled him into a nice hug and they watched minions the end


Amazing ending I know I know

Perhaps the best I've written

Anyways there was a reason I wrote this it was for a story but I don't remember the story so💀💀.

Anyways I'm so sorry for this one😀😀

Might take it down later

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