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[Jakes POV]
"You ready Jake?" Asked Zander, resting his hand on my shoulder

"ready as ever" I responded nervously

"how about you Luke and Sean?" I asked, turning to look at my groomsmen Sean, Luke, and Zander, who was my best man

"we are ready" Luke replied, hugging Zander from behind

"Daisy just texted me. She said 'good luck every body!'" Sean said, smiling and looking down at his phone

"Alright. Its time for me to go then Luke and Zander and Sean, you three will go" I said, straightening my tie

"okie dokie" Replied Zander, grabing Luke's hand

"good luck man!" said Sean, waving to me

"yeah good luck Jake!" Luke said cheerfully

"Jake I know Hailey loves you but if you breao her heart I will break you! And also, I hope you dont slip and fall. Although it would be super funny to watch!" Said Zander, laughing

"yeah yeah" I replied, walking out the door

As i walked out and down the isle, everyone started looking at me. I was nervous, but als excited to see Hailey, and finally now that i would spend the rest of my life her. I made it to the alter, and shortly after Luke, Zander, and Sean wapked down together. After everybody else had arrived, and then it was time for Hailey to walk down. The music started playing, and I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walk through the door. My jaw dropped, and my eyes started watering. By the time she was half way down the isle, I was crying a little bit.
She finally got up, and grabbed my hands. The priest said something, but I was only half paying attention.

"You may now kiss the bride" I heard the priest say

I Lean in and kiss Hailey. Just for a moment, but I was so happy in those few seconds. After I look into her eyes for a moment, I turn my head, Zander is smiling. I knew he didn't like me very much, but I always thought he would warm up to me.

Soon after we walked back down the isle, and the wedding was over. We had on after party, but it was just with the club, Elliott and Daisy.

"congratulations!" Daisy yelled, running over and hugging Hailey

"And thank you for letting me be one of your brides maids!!" She said, as Milly, and Stacy walked over and hugged her (they were also her brides maids)

"Congrats Jake! Zander is going to the bathroom, he is a little bit salty" Luke said, rolling his eyes and smiling

"Haha, that was expected. Let's just hope he isn't too mad" I said, laughing a bit as Zander walked into the room

"Oi Jake. Congratulations. Don't hurt my sister" Zander said, standing next to Luke, grabbing Luke's thumb with his entire hand

"I'm more scared that Hailey will hurt me" I said, chuckling and grabbing Hailey's hand

"Just don't get too frisky in front of me you nasties" Zander said, looking at our hands.

"Zander he just grabbed my hand. What's so wrong with that? I mean, you and Luke are holding hands" Hailey questioned

"No I mean I don't want you to do anything more than holding hands, or pecking each other on the lips, if you know what I mean~" he replied, winking at Hailey

"ALEXANDER WICKHAM YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Hailey said, charging at Zander, as he turned to run away

"those two will be fighting till the day they die" said Luke, chuckling, and staring at his boyfriend, who was running as fast as he could, with no shoes on, and Hailey, who also had no shoes on, who was chasing the purple-haired pianist.






the end



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