🎭After the comp//Jailey🎭

978 9 21

Okay guys. This may be one of the last chapters in the book. I really only update this because I feel pressured to. I really appreciate everything you all have done for me, it made me really feel like I knew my place in this world:) I'm going to continue to write, but it may not be all tmf, as I'm not really into tmf anymore. Thank you again, and fairwell:) I just think its time to end this chaotic story. I'll prolly make another one shots book that wasn't a total Joke once im ready.

Ps, this chapter may not be great bc I havent written in like a week im out of practice shhhssss


The stage lights faded as Jake took deep breaths in through his mouth. The micorphone remained in his hands. Hailey ran into his arms, thrusting her lips to his. Their first kiss. On a stage. In front of hundreds of people.

Jake stood in his place, wide eyed. Zander's eyes even wider, and his face even redder. Luke and Milly clapped in unison, while Sean stared. The curtain closed, as the crowed gasped. All the different reactions made it hard to tell if it was good, or bad.

The jomies gasped in the crowed. Drew, who had Liked Jake for years now, teared up. He really thought Jake might feel the same.


"We did so awesome!" Luke exclaimed pulling Zander into a big hug. Their cheeks smooshed together. Zander patting his boyfriends shoulder in an effort to calm him down.

"I can't believe Hailey and Jake kissed!" Milly exclaimed. "I wonder if they worked it out yet"

Zander sighed.

"I hope he rejects her.. I don't want her sad I just really think she'll end up sad either way" He explained in a quiet manner.

"It'll be okay love. Just let 'em be. I'm sure he won't hurt her" Luke comforted Zander, along with a pat on the head, messing up Zander's hair in the process.

"Mm. I guess. I just.. I don't hate him.. but I think she could do better. Y'know?" Zander finished, ignoring the mess Luke had made of his hair.

"I mean, from your perspective,, sure. But I really want you to accept it. You remember when you said you'd do anything for me?? Well I want you to accept that they love each other. Nearly as much as I love you" Luke smiled brightly at the boy.

"Okay enough flirting.. let's just wait and hear what happens." Sean asked of his friends. They nodded in agreement.


Jake and Hailey walked back into the room, hand in hand. Milly clapped as she notice.

Zander's eyes rolled, while Luke smiled bright as always. Sean giggled.

"We're dating" Jake announced. Hailey smiled so bright, it was almost like the room became lighter, and the tension and anxiety eased.


Drew's eyes ran red.

"You okay Drew?" Henry asked. Drew ran away.

Liam sighed, and pulled henry into a gentle hug. He ran his hands through Henry's hair and pulled him along to the little waiting song they had played.

"Shouldn't we go after Drew?" Henry wondered, his words muffling into the cloth of Liam's shirt. Liam ignored Henry's remark.


As Drew pushed through the crowed, he stopped. In front of a short boy decked out in anime merchandise. But god, was this nerd beautiful.

"You okay?" The boy asked, approaching Drew. Drews face was probably redder than a tomato. He noticed a pink tint to the boys cheeks.

"Do you want to dance with me?" He wondered. Drew looked around as he noticed all the couples swaying to the beat of the music. Drew took his hand.


So sorry this is short. I have very little motivation and it's 2 am and I gotta wake up at 8- I love you all and remember that I will be making a new one shots book.

The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now