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It would have been any average night, if Luke wasn't hanging out with the Jomies. He and Henry had been talking, and Henry wanted him to hang out with them. So he did. And it was the biggest mistake of his life.

"GOD HENRY WHY DID I COME!? THIS IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE IVE EVER MADE!" Luke sobbed, yelling in the process. Yelling was not something Luke usually did.

"IM SORRY! I SWEAR IT WAS DREW AND LIAM! I TRIED TO STOP THEM.." Henry cried in response. Though his cheeks where dry, his eyes too.

Drew, panicking, laughed it off. "Look man it'll be alright. Promise. I'll just tell 'em I texted it. Sorry"


-Zander's POV-

Zander heard a sudden ding go off on his phone. He quietly picked it up, dropping it as the moving car went over a speed bump.

He rolled his eyes and picked it up once more.

"A snap from Luke?" He thought, clicking the notification. He entered his password. 5853.

His phone slipped out of his hands. He screamed, causing everyone else in the car to jump. Suddenly, he sobbed.

"OH MY LORD ALEX WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Shannon exclaimed, unbuckling and reaching back to tend to her son.

"IM SORRY" he yelled between sobs. You could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Well than what happened?! You're acting dodgy."

Zander handed her his phone. She read it and gasped aswell.

She clicked the camera button and took a photo of her.

"You've lost the plot. Absolutely bonkers you are Luke. My son is far from your league anyways. You may never come near my house, son, daughters, or their friends." She typed on the snap. "My son is sobbing in the back seat at the moment. We had to pull over. Your a disgrace to your bloodline."

-Luke's POV-

"Oh my freaking god Henry his mom just snapped me via his phone. I can't believe what you've done.. she said I'm not welcome near her home or family anymore. " the tears running down the boys face were as clear as day, his voice stuttery.

"I'm really sorry about them.." Henry murmured.

Luke sent back a photo of him looking off to the side, the tears staining his cheeks visible. He typed. "Drew and Liam typed it out, I promise. I'm rly sorry Mrs wickham<3"

He recieve a picture back of Zander. "Yeah? Pls give me proof."

-Zander Pov-

He then opened a video of Drew and Liam, Luke and Henry in the background. "Sorry piano man, I didn't think you'd believe me"

He gave a gentle smile at the confirmation his boyfriend didn't just break up with him. He knew he couldn't go on withought Luke.

"It was just Drew and Liam.. he didn't do anything mom." Zander smiled, his mom sighing out of happiness.

"Can you tell him I'm very sorry for what I said and that I was lying? Tell him he's actually out of your league"

Zander rolled his eyes, but obeyed.

Zander put down his phone. "Can we go pick him up? He told me he doesn't want to be at that sleep over anymore."

Mr. Austin shook his head yes, the whole family decided to pretend nothing ever happened.

They pulled up to the address Luke walked out with Henry following behind him, presumably begging him to stay. Luke turned around and gently pushed henry away. Of course, someone at Henry's height and weight compared to Luke was nothing. He nearly fell.

Luke got into the very back seat with Zander. Where they always sat.

"I'm so sorry baby-" Luke started but was cut off by a small kiss his on the lips.

Flustered, Luke stuttered, "W-what was that?"

"It's fine, sweetie" Zander flirted, holding out the 'e's in 'sweetie'. Luke turned red as any rose in Elliotts garden. It was almost as if they had switched roles, Luke as red as a tomato, Zander flirting.

Zander carefully placed his head on Luke's shoulder, stroking his arm carefully.


Ahahshshdks sorry if this chapter is short/bad, I'm trying to clean up my book a bit😅 (finished unfinished chapters lol)

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