🤧Sick luke🤧

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(Luke's POV)
I grumbled into the soft tissue I had grabbed before leaving my third block class to head to lunch. I sniffled and threw the cloth into the trash can. Zander waited patiently behind me.
My eyes always got teary when I was about to sneeze. I felt the the waste building up in my sinuses. I grabbed a second tissue as quickly as possible and sneezed into the object. Tossing this one just like the last. Behind my Zander walked closer, taking my hand into his own.

"Alright boys, hurry to lunch" Miss Jones smiled, swiftly stepping out of the room. Her heals clinked against the floor, her keys jingled in the pocket of her black pencil skirt.

Zander looked into my eyes with puppy eyes. "Are you sure you don't need to go home? You seem pretty sick."

"No no, I'm fine" I replied and he stood on his tippy-toes, feeling my forehead. He scoffed.

"You're warm sweetie"

I smirked at the sweet nickname he had applied. "Really" I started, placing a hand on his cheek. "I'm fine"

"Prioritize health over your education" he insisted. I tilted my head to the side, smiling down at him. "Fine. But if you need to go home, go home."

I nodded in agreement. We both exited the room, taking a sharp left towards the lunch room.


The both of us sat down next to each other, farther apart than usual. I assumed it was because I was sick.

"So how has everyone's day been?" Sean started. He always starts lunch checking up on us. He's so kind.

Zander shoveled a spoonful of pasta into his mouth, the noodles dry with minimal sauce. Cafeteria food. "Meh."

I followed after. "I don't feel very good. I think I'm coming down with something."

Zander rolled his eyes. "You think? God you really are oblivious." I laughed awkwardly, knowing he was right.

"Oh.. we'll that actually reminds me" Hailey began to tell, placing her plastic fork on her paper plate. "My parents are bringing me and Zander camping for February break, y'know, Valentine's Day and stuff~ and Anyways, they agreed to let you guys come along if you want. Zander's really hoping,, well, me of course too,, that you can come Luke, but if you're too sick-"

"No no! I would love to come!" I said between a coughing fit.

"Do you think you'll be completely better after tomorrow?" Zander scoffed, wrapping a gentle arm around me, which lead to him pulling me into an embrace. He placed a kiss on my collar bone.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about me" I finished. Zander gets clingy when he's worried. I know he's scared that he'll lose me, which is ridiculous, but understandable.

"I believe you.. but I want you to tell me if you don't feel good." He finished.

-Two days later, day of trip-
(Zander's POV)

Luke sat on the couch in my clutch. He definitely shouldn't be coming with us,, but I cant un invite him. That would be horribly mean.

He grumbles as I shift myself. Hailey enters.

"Alright boys, if you really think Luke can go then it's time to get loaded into the car." Hailey insisted, resting her hand on her hip.

Luke pulled his red, tired face to look a me. "Are you sure you can go?" I asked, my arms still wrapped around him. He nodded.

"Fine. Let's go." I finished, Hailey walked out of the room. Luke slowly sat up, me following after.

I got into the car after Luke, sitting next to him in the very back. He sniffled and closed his eyes, zipping the red sweatshirt he had been wearing.

He leaned onto the windowsill and I leaned on his shoulder.

And we took off.

Ayooo so this is just a quick story I wrote because I can't sleep😀 adios homies

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