👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Trio + one 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Heya guys!! Before the story starts, sorry I've been inactive recently- I'm trying to pull myself out of tmf fandom for personal reasons. I also was just broken up with lol- (I'm okay it wasn't serious or anything and I kinda have options)


Today was November 8th. A brisk wind trampled through the air, into my air. The soft blue strands blew west of my ear. I bundled up with a scarf and two sweaters, rather than one. The hat on my head was the same color as my usual pink sweater, but it had white stripes and a pom-Pom at the tip. My fuzzy socks shown through my white, dirty converse.

"I'm not wearing.. a hat" Zander hushed Luke, pushing away the red item in Luke's hand. Luke sighed and whispered something, probably in one of the many other languages aside from English that he spoke.

"Hat. H-a-t. A shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform." He defined, looking up as if scrolling through files in his brain. His head nodded as he spoke.

Zander paused, staring confused at Luke. "Yeah and? I know what a hat is"

Luke frowned. He had a cute frown. A perfect word to describe Luke is indescribable. So kind, so thoughtful. Everything he says has meaning. His glare seeps into your soul like syrup on pancakes. His golden, glowy eyes stare lovingly into your own, which do not compare. It's funny, sometimes, thinking about it. Zander is the complete opposite, but could be described the same. Indescribable.

I continued to watch them argue. It wasn't a mean type of argue, it was more like "I love you and your doing this because it's good for your health" "the fuck I'm not I love you too" type of argue. I smirked. They really do love each other.

I looked at the time on my phone. "Uh- guys- we have to get going- we were supposed to leave five minutes ago"

Luke filled his cheeks with air, blowing it out in a sigh. "Okie dokes". He placed the hat on the arm of the couch. You may be wondering 'Hailey! Why is he sleeping over on a Sunday night?' And to be honest, I don't know. It's been like that for a while now. Any time I try to ask Zander why, he just says it's to "make up for all the time lost" presumably when they were distant.

Zander wraps his arm around Luke's, his fingers twined around the taller boys. Ew and Aw run through my head at the same time. Though the are 'oh so cute' , sometimes I get jealous. Yeah I used to like Luke. My past self would be thriving with anger. Sometimes, I still feel what I used to when I see their little quirks and habits.

The three of us continue down the steps, and finally exit.

"Oh my god I had this weird ass dream one time and basically I was camping on the side of the road with Milly and this dude driving past us came to a stop and goes 'I'm gonna give you one loop around the block to run and if your still here I'll take you' and then he drove away and we like packed up our stuff and then the dream ended" Zander spoke swiftly as always.

Luke's eyes went wide in a type of "oh okay so he's actually insane" they of way, his mouth formed a line. (0-0)

"Alright" I said "we are supposed to wait here for Jake" I came to a stop. I watched as Zander's face grew anxious and upset.

"Whaaat!? I'm not wasting my valuable time waiting for your boy toy! We're already late!" He complained. My face must've been red. I could feel it.

"Bitch! Don't act like you didn't keep me up late Thursday night talking about him!" I pointed at Luke. Zander's eyes fell wide. His cheeks were bright pink.

"Fuck you"

"Okay okay! Let's just wait here for Jake.. and.. if he's not here within ten minutes we'll leave without him" Luke smiled, intervening with our little scrap. Luke always knows what to say in silly situations like these.

Zander sighed and grabbed Luke's hand once again. Then, he pulled the auburn haired boy down to the ground. They both sat crisscross and remained holding hands.


Seven minutes pass and I hear someone calling out my name. "Hailey!". "Jake?" I whip around and see no one other than Jake sterling awaiting my company. He takes a slow jog until finally, he's right next to me.

"Hey princess" he kisses my cheek and pulls me into a hug. The cloth of his jacket rubs against my cheek. It's so soft. It smells like him. The nylon rubs my blush slightly off my cheek. As I pull away I can see a little print of pink on his jacket. I chuckle and wipe it away.

Jake pauses - swallows deeply - and looks at Zander. "Morning step bro" Zander rolled his eyes and waves. "Morning Lukey pukey" Luke fake smiles at his little nickname.

"Okay guys. Let's get going" I finish.

"Yes ma'am" Jake replies, taking my hand.

They all lived happily ever after in the prison that is school😩

But anyways, sorry I've been gone for so long lol. I'm trying to pull myself out of tmf fandom bc I seek others validations lol- anyways hopefully I'll be back to posting regularly now<3

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