❤️how I think my ships first times cuddling would go❤️

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(I did my best to give them their canon personalities and its like 1am so-)


Zander sat on Luke's bed, and looked up at the TV. Luke was watching The Office, which he always watched when he had nothing else to watch. Luke was laying on the bed next to Zander. After about a half an hour, Luke turned to face his grape boyfriend.

"Hey Zander?" Luke started.

"Wha'z up?" Zander replied, looking up from his phone, and to his taller boyfriend.

"Do you.. I mean.. Would you maybe, possibly wanna.. Lean your head on my shoulder?" Luke questioned awkwardly, averting his eyes from Zander.

Zander raised his eyebrow.

"Sure. I can lean my head on your shoulder you goof." Zander joked, rolling his eye and smiling brightly at the nervous peanut-haired boy.

Zander scooted a little bit closer, and leaned his head on Luke's shoulder. Luke blushed, and smiled.

"And can I.." Luke began, wrapping his arm around Zander's waist. Zander blushed, and shifted his body down, leaning his head on Luke's chest.

Luke's flushed cheeks became even reder. his heartbeat sped up, racing out of his chest.

"ca' I have a kiss now?" Zander asked, moving his head up to face his boyfriend, his eyes closed. Luke leaned in a bit, and pecked Zander's lips.



Jake sat down on the couch next to Hailey, who was scrolling through Instagram on her phone. She noticed Jake sitting next to her, and she put her phone down on the arm rest.

"Yo" Jake said, pointing double finger guns at the short girl.

"yo" she replied, smiling and scooting closer.

Jake leaned his head on his favorite girl's shoulder, and closed his eyes, taking a long blink.

Hailey rested her head on top of Jake's, and swallowed the rest of the cookie she had in her mouth. Zander ran up the the couch quietly so they didn't notice them, and blasted 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley. Jake and Hailey Jumped, and burst out laughing. So did Zander and Luke.

"Alright baby. Leave them alone" Luke conveyed, smiling at his boyfriend and gesturing for a hug.

"Ooh is that a new pet name I sense?" Jake joked, looking back at the two.

"shut up and cuddle with Hailey already doofus." Zander finished, burring his face in Luke's chest.

"yes'sir'ee" Jake finished. He leaned his head on Hailey's shoulder and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Hailey rested her head on Jake's.



Daisy's parents had just picked her and Sean up from school, since they were hanging out that day. Daisy, however, was quit tired. she yawned and leaned her head on Sean's shoulder. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep. Sooner or later, they had arrived at Daisy's house. Sean softly shook her awake, and they went inside. They sat on the couch, piling blankets on top of them. They turned on Daisy's favorite movie, Finding Nemo. It was becoming one of Sean's favorites too. Daisy leaned her head on Sean's shoulder, and fell asleep roughly half way through the movie.



Milly was never a cuddler. but when it came to Elliott, she just couldn't wait to snuggle up to his warm, soft, sweet body. he smelt like roses, Milly's very favorite flower. Milly walked onto the bus, tired as hell, and sat next to Elliott. Sitting in the bus row next to them was Luke and Zander.

"YO Zander! my Bestieee" Milly stressed, waving her arms in the air at her best frenemy.

"Hey bestie" Zander replied, throwing his hand up into the air. "You look hella tired Mil'"

"I mean, you too. Anyways, yeah. I got like 3 hours of sleep last night." Milly replied.



After a few minutes, Milly's head slowly fell onto Elliott's shoulder. Her nose filled with the smell of various kinds of flowers, and honey. she sighed in relief. Elliott wrapped his left arm around her waist, and kissed her fiery hair.


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