❤️‍🩹𝑀𝑦 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑏𝑜𝑦𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑//𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒❤️‍🩹

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Requested by: @cloudless_cacti
Ship: drake
Words: 400

"Jake.. I wanted to say that ever since I heard you at the competition and.. caught Zoey cheating.. I've felt something for you.." Drew whimpered, holding both of Jakes hands. The two boys stared into each others eyes.

"Drew I-"

"It's fine if you don't feel the same.. I just thought i should tell you.."

"Drew.. I love you. But if we're gonna go into this, I'd like to requests a few things" Jake smiled, blushing at the boy of his dreams.

"alright.." Drew replied, a bit worried at what was yet to come.

"You need to stop bullying my other friends, you can't make me leave the club, and.." Jake requested.


"You have to kiss me" Jake looked into Drews eyes, a smirk spreading across Jakes red cheeks.

Drew blushed even more. "alright.."

As Jake leaned, Drew did too. The boy's lips met. Drew had been waiting for this moment for years. Only Liam new about Drews crush on Jake, and the Zander new about Jakes crush on Drew. The sweet taste of Jakes kiss sunk into Drew's savory embrace, causing the perfect kiss to indulge the universe. *insert boom sound effects*

The kiss, growing more passionate, continued for a while, the two slowly melting into each other.

Drew pulled away, his eyes remaining closed for a moment after. When he opened them, he was met by Jakes gaze. Blushing heavily, Drew went in for a hug.

Jake wrapped his arms around his best friend, and crush, kissing the top of Drew's head. The boys eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, The two woke up shocked.

"Drew.." Jake mumbled, running his fingers through the smaller boys hair.


"I love you"

Drew blushed at Jake's remark, hiding his face in the pillows.

"I.. love you too" he replied gently, almost whispering.

Jake pulled his newly found boyfriend to his chest, kissing his hair. They snuggled for a while, until Jakes brother burst in, laughing at them.

"HAHA LOSER!" He exclaimed, pointing at the couple.

"Oh screw you! Get out nerd" Jake yelled back, sitting up.

"Uhhhh. Fine."

The younger Sterling boy ran out of the room, leaving his brother and 'best friend' alone. They giggled, and fell back into each others arms.

Sorry if it's bad I don't (and have never) written drake because I don't like Drew 😀

The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now