💜🧡An Almost KISS-kiss ٭ Lander🧡💜

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Zander and Luke have a sleepover for the first time since they started dating. They talk for a long time, until...

TW: TEENS KISSING, non detailed. Tbh, they're only kissing for like one line, so I don't even know if I need a TW. But I'll put it anyways:)
Zander laughed quietly. The two had been cracking stupid jokes on Luke's bed for hours now.

"I know right! And I didn't even reciprocate the feelings. I thought I did. But then I thought about you." Luke mumbled, whispered the last part.

Zander smiled. "I know right! I've thought I've liked so many people but then I would realize I was just trying to distract myself from you." they were both whispering now. Luke's parents didn't know he was Pan, and he was worried they would be mad.

Luke grabbed both of Zander's hands subconsciously. "I feel like, when I'm around you, that all of my problems are like,, gone. Like when my parents were in that fight and you called me to talk about it and we got side tracked. All I could think about was you for like two days"

Zander rubbed Luke's hands with his thumbs. "Yeah. I feel like that too. I mean, we've only been dating for like a week, but it feels so right. I just feel so in place."

Luke smiled at Zander. Zander could tell Luke was biting his cheeks. He wanted him to stop so he wouldn't hurt himself. So he would know that he didn't need to feel anxious around Zander.

Zander took a deep breath, looking at Luke shakily in his eyes. He leaned in quickly after a moment of staring at the auburn haired boy, kissing him quickly.

Luke smiled. "What was that for?"

Zander shrugged. "I wanted to kiss you."

Luke tried to hide how wide he was smiling, but it was practically impossible. "This is what I mean when I say being with you feels right"

Zander nodded.

"You give me so many butterflies. You make me feel like I'm going to get so happy I'll cry so hard I'll throw up."

Zander smirked at Luke's acclamation, squeezing his hands gently. Luke bit his lip in an attempt at stopping the smile from growing.

"I'm really happy I walked in on you kissing Stacy" Zander whispered. "Correction, Stacy kissing you"

Luke chuckled, going in for another kiss. "Me too."

Luke pulled away and sighed, looking at Zander in the eyes and tilting his head slightly. "I could kiss you for hours."

"Then do it"

Luke's face turned red as his eyes traveled down to Zander's lips. He looked away shyly.

"I'm just kidding Luke. If you don't feel like it you don't have to" Zander chuckled. He let go of Luke's hands and sat himself next to Luke. He wrapped his hands around Luke's arm and leaned his cheek into his shoulder.

"I do want to. I just don't know how."

Zander shrugged. "Me neither. We only just started dating sweetie.. we've kissed three times. Don't feel pressure."

Luke nodded, slowly leaning his head onto Zander's.

"I actually really want to.." Luke muttered. "A lot. I just didn't want you to feel like you had to"

Zander bit his lip. "Same."

They pulled their heads away from each other, inspecting the others face. Luke's eyes traveled to Zander's lips.

Luke placed his free hand on Zander's cheek. Zander's arms remained around one of Luke's.

They both leaned in slowly and in unison, their lips connecting. Momentarily, their lips disconnected as they moved against each other's lips.

Footsteps approach the door. Luke quickly jumps away from Zander, hiding their linked arms under the blanket. One of Zander's hands let go.

Luke's mom knocks three times. He yells for her to come in. She opens the door.

"Hey sweetie" she says, peaking out of the doorframe. "I just came to say goodnight to you two. Don't stay up too late please"

Luke nodded. "Goodnight mom"

She waved gently at them, slowly closing the door. Luke looks around the room embarrassed as her footsteps slowly fade away.

He turned to Zander, mouthing the word 'sorry'

He laughed and leaned back into Luke's shoulder. "Don't worry about it."

Luke smiled. He enjoyed Zander's presence.

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