Baby Sitters

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"Okay boys, we're trusting you with her. If you need anything, text or call." Mom said, half way out the door. She held her suitcase in one hand, and her cell phone in the other.

"Okie dokes! We've got everything handled Shannon! You can trust us" smiled Luke. Luke had a sort of comforting presence about him, making leaving Bethany to us easier for my parents.

"Thank you so much boys" Michael said. Mom walked out the door, making way to the car. Michael followed after. Luke waved goodbye at my family. Hailey would be hanging out with Milly while mom and dad were gone, leaving Bethany with me and Luke.

They didn't trust just me with her, so they arranged for Luke to stay. Oh, before I forget. I'll give you some context on what's even happening in the first place. Over April break, my parents are going away, since Michael works at a school, he gets the week and a half off. My mom decided to take it off too. And now they're on their way to a trip to Florida.

"So Bethy, it's getting pretty late. I'm thinking me and Alex could make you something to eat, we will watch a movie, and then go to bed?" Luke offered, wrapping an arm around me awkwardly.

"Or.. we can go to target and never go to bed!" Bethany exclaimed. Luke giggled at her excitement.

"How about this. If you go to bed on time tonight, as soon as we are ready tomorrow we'll go to target and you can get something" he offered, smiling down at the pigtailed girl.

She contemplated for a second. "I supposed it's a deal.. but we gotta stay up past bedtime"

"I'll think about it. Alex and I are going to go make something for dinner, you can stay here and watch a movie or come with us. The choice is yours"

She jumped onto the couch, pulling a blanket onto her lap. "I'll stay here. I wanna watch Moana" She handed me the remote. "Can you put it on please?"

"Sure" I replied, turning the channel to Disney+. I clicked the search bar, typed in the title and clicked play. "There ya go"

Luke grabbed my hand and we made our way to the kitchen.

Silently, he grabbed a pot and poured about 2 cups of focet water into it. He placed the pot on the stove, turning the heat up to high to bring the water to a boil.

"So," he said, leaning on the counter. "You excited for this week?" He questioned.

"excited to spend it with you" I replied, resting my hands on his waist. He let go of the counter and draped his arms over my shoulders.

"Ew~! You guys are even worse than mommy and daddy!" yelled Bethany, barging into the kitchen. Luke sprung away from me, anxiously scratching his arm.

"Oh uh,, what happened to your movie?" asked Luke, leaning right back were he had been before.

Bethany sat down on a chair at the table. "I don't like the beginning. Moana's parents are buttheads."

Luke chuckled and nodded. "That's true. You gonna just chill with us?"

"yes! You guys are wayyy cooler than moana's mommy and daddy" she rocked back and forth on chair.

Luke smiled at her compliment, turning back to his now boiling water. He opened the mac&cheese box, pulled the cheese packet out, and poured the noodles in, turning the heat down to medium.

She sat excitedly in her chair, waiting for her food to be finished.

"So Bethany," I started. "How's school?" I walked next to Luke, wrapping an arm around his waist. Bethany thought for a second.

"Pretty good. I have like,, three boyfriends." Said the pigtailed girl. My mouth dropped, holding a smile. No way she just admitted that.

"Bethany! You do not have 3 boyfriends! You have to pick one." I insisted. Luke broke out laughing.

She crossed her arms. "No I do not! I'm outy-5000. Peace" she yelled. I rolled my eyes as she walked off.

Luke and I turned to eachother in sync. As we burst out laughing, he pulled me into a tight hug. We stayed there for a moment.

"She's crazy" he mumbled, pulling out of our embrace to mix the macaroni. I laughed in agreement. The ringer went off for the stove. I watched as Luke poured out the water, putting in the milk, butter, and seasoning packet, mixing accordingly. He poured it into three bowls.

"Bethany, it's ready" I exclaimed, watching as she jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen.

She grumpily took it, stopping back into the living room. this made me laugh. And then I knew that this week and a half would be quite the whirlwind.


HEY HEY Im just trying to finish my drafts bc i have 39 of them BSAHAHA

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