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Parent teacher conference except Luke and Zander accidentally get outed to Luke's parents

"Hello! I'm Ms. Jones, Luke and Zander's homeroom teacher! It's good to see you're families getting along, boys. Y'know, since-"

"OKAY! So why don't we talk about my school work now!" Luke beamed, holding on gently to his mothers hand.

Ms. Jones, confused, picked up her paper work. "Okay.. well, to say the least, Luke is doing magnificently in my class. Always turns in homework on time, gets straight A's and even aces his tests. A fine student to say the least!"

Luke's parents smiled, nodded their heads as she went on. "Though he tends to talk to Zander during class" Ms. Jones smirked, winking.

"How about Alex?" Shannon asked, grabbing Luke's free hand. Zander smiled nervously.

Miss Jones gave a thumbs up. "Same as Luke. He tends to talk, but other than that a perfect, straight A student!"

Shannon high-fived the pianist, exclaiming a quiet 'yeah!'.

"And Hailey as well! Except she doesn't talk much."

Shannon did the same for Hailey, rewarding her with a high-five.

"Alright then. Thank you so much!" Michael beamed, grabbing his wife by the hand. Shannon waved goodbye, Ms. Jones returning the small gesture. The families walked out of the room.

(Zanders POV)

as we exited the room, Luke and I looked at each other as we sighed in relief. He and I drifted a bit away from our families, enough so he could say what he needed to say.

"We really dodged that one, huh?" he whispered, placing a hand on my back. I chuckled.

"damn right we did" I muttered, high fiving my auburn-haired lover.

Luke looked back at his mom. "Hey mom?" He said, she looked up at him. "Zan and I are gonna go grab something of his from the music room. Keep on without us, okay? Hails can show you around"

She smiled. "okie dokie hun. Take you're time"

Luke returned the smirk, grabbing my hand and leading me to the music club room. He carefully opened the door, holding it open for me. He let it swing shut as he entered.

He kissed me.

Pulling away, he announced "As long as we can keep Ms. Jones away from them tonight, we should be good."

He pulled me back in. Between pecks, I replied "Mhm.".

After a few more kisses, he embraced me. He placed his hand in my hair, The promise ring around his finger getting caught for a split second.

"I love you. And I don't wanna tell my parents about us until I'm eighteen. For the sake of my safety and our relationship."

I nodded. "I love you more, stupid. Take your time on telling them, as long as I can be with you.."

The both of us shared silence for a bit, embraced in eachother, all our worries melting away.

Luke broke the silence. "We should probably get back to our families." I nodded in agreement, letting go of him.

He held my hand until we got to the door.

(third person POV)

The couple approached their families.

"Did Zander find what he needed?" Mrs. Peterson asked, resting a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Oh, no. But it wasn't anything important. No big D. Right Zan?" Luke said, turning to the pianist. He Shook his head.

"Bummer" she frowned. "they are serving food in the cafeteria. Hungery?"

"oh, uhm.." Zander looked to Luke for confirmation. "A little bit"

She nodded, looking at the campus map on the wall to try and find the commons. Looked to her right, then her left, before glancing at the highschoolers.

"lead the way"

I looked at Luke. He shrugged, holding a hand out for me. I took it, confused as to why he was taking my hand. He just told me he didn't want his family to find out..

He lead us down a few halls, exited one building, and entered a bigger one. There sat the cafeteria.

"There ya go!" He smiled, sitting at a near by table. Mrs. Peterson followed after him.

Once we had all sat down, a few of us got something to eat, than we just made awkward small talk.

Luke nudged me gently. "is that Ms. Jones coming over here?" he whispered, grabbing onto my sleeve. I looked at her, then back at Luke before nodding.

"Hello Peterson and Wickham/ Austin family!" she greeted, walking behind Hailey. "I just forgot to touch base with you on some little thing. So about Hailey,, she forgot to turn in todays homework. I'm just reminding you sweetie."

"oh, thanks for letting us know!" Smiled mom, taking a bite of her food.

Ms. J paused. "I just love how well you two families get along like one. With our little Zander and Luke finally dating and all."

Everyone froze. Luke's eyes flew wide open as his parents stared at him. His little brother and sister dropping their mouths.

"Oh god. Did.. did they not know?" Asked the teacher. I nodded yes. "Oh my goodness. I am so sorry!"

"Luke.." Mrs Peterson muttered, standing out of her chair. Luke flinched. "Why didn't you tell me hunny?"

Luke relaxed his shoulders. "Well.. I was scared that you wouldn't like me anymore"

Luke's mom looked as if she would cry. She grabbed his hand and mine, walking behind us. "I only new it would happen for 11 years!"

Mom stood up, running to the other woman. She threw her into a tight hug. "YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS!" Mom exclaimed.

"So you don't hate me?" Luke questioned. She violently nodded no, she did not hate her son for loving who he loves.

"I mean, I'm not super on board with the whole 'gay' thing, but you're my son. And I like Zander. So of course I could never hate you. You could murder a million people and, well, I guess I wouldn't like you too much for that but I would never stop loving you." Mr. Peterson cooed.

"Wait," the red-headed female paused. "Are we the only ones who didnt know?"

Luke chuckled, embarrassed. "Yeah. Eva and Aaron already knew,, and his whole family knows."

"Oh. Well we know now! And we are so happy for you babies."

Luke smirked awkwardly, returning to the plate of food in front of him.

Eva and Aaron r his little brother and sister btw-

Sooo hopefully u like this !! I have like 12 requests sooo I've started some but yk-

Bonus incorrect quote-

(Walking out of school to their cars)
Mrs Peterson: Shannon, our sons makeout!
Shannon: IKR!
Mr. Peterson:
Luke's brother:
Luke's sister:
Luke: okay, yeah. You shouldn't be excited about that.
Zander: no need to boast it.

The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now