💕Cuddled p/3!💕

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Ship- Henriam
Request from- @__rayo
(Hope I got ur name right)
I'll do any ship as long as it's legal just leave requests!💕


"Liaaaammm" Henry stressed, clinging on to the taller boy. A huge blush rushed upon Liam's cheeks. He hugged back, and patted Henry on the back, to ease the present tension Liam was feeling. "Liam, just a heads up, you're not supposed to pat him on the back when he hugs you" Jake whispered in Liam's ear. Liam wrapped his arms around Henry, and rested his head on Henry's shoulder, closing his eyes. Hailey walked over and wrapped her arms around Jakes neck, kissing him softly. "Practice is after school today" she said smiling, in a soft voice. Zander, standing behind Hailey, rolled his eyes, and rested his hand on his hip. "Oh please Zander you and Luke are always kissing and hugging" Hailey complained, staring at her annoyed step-brother. "Nuh-uh we aren't! As if I would let Luke do that! A-and he's respectful..." Zander said, softening his voice toward the end. "Yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you after school Jake" Hailey finished, walking over to Zander and waving. "Sorry Liam. I have to cancel on you. We haven't been actually practicing much lately, and the comp is next weekend" Jake complained. "It's fine. I get it man" Liam replied, understandingly. "Huuuhhhh!! I can hang out with you Liam!" Henry exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "Heh, alright then" Liam said, smiling wide. "Yay!" Henry finished.


"Hey Hun. Oh, hi Henry! I thought you said Jake was coming over?" Liams mom said. "Jake had to cancel. He had to practice with his band" Liam conveyed. "I see. Have fun then" she finished, unpausing the tv. Henry and Liam went up to Liam's room, and sat on his bed. They talked for a long time, before Henry decided he was ready for bed. He layed down, pulling Liam with him. Henry balled up fetal position (omg I hate that word stop-), and layed next to Liam's chest. Liam blushed, but decided it would be best if you cuddled his small crush back. He wrapped his arms around Henry and kissed the top of his head.
I hope you enjoyed I'm in the car and the sun is blocking me from seeing anything-

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