🌺First Time🌺

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So uh the title sounds so wrong- but it supposed to be like jakes first time sleeping over with the club😭😭

"So Jake, first sleepovers can be awkward. But only if you make it that way." Said Zander, sitting so close to Luke their legs were touching. This level of pda infront of Zander's parents? Almost like Luke and Zander are married.

You may be thinking. 'Jake, their are just sitting close.' But it's not just that. I've been here probably 2 hours, and with all the touching and hugging and holding hands, I'm starting to think Zander and Luke are more married than Shannon and Michael.

Come to think of it, Zander and Luke have actually known each other longer than shannon and Michael.

"Uh, yeah. I'll try my best"

"I'll add a few side notes. First off, when Luke gets tired he acts drunk. So be prepared for that. Zander falls asleep super early when we aren't having sleepovers so by the end of the night he'll be so tired he looks high. If you gotta fart, just do it man. We're all homies. Don't make it weird though. Anyways, they always keep their house at like 8 million degrees so prepare to sweat your dick off. Bethany is gonna wanna hang out with us too" explained Milly.

"Milly! Don't curse in front of Bethany!" Exclaimed Luke, covering the young girls ears. She laughed at Milly's potty mouth.

"Oh and also! We have this on-going game called slapping eachothers butts. Any chance you get, take it" added the pink haired devil.

"Don't forget the annual Rapunzel watching ceremony" laughed Sean. "We watch it every sleepover. We also play a round of hide and seek with Bethany."

"Wow. You guys seem really close.. sorry if you feel like you have to invite me.." I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers.

"Jake, do you think we would've invited you if we didn't want you to come. You not coming wasn't even a thought." Comforted Luke.

"What should Michael and I make for dinner?" Said Shannon, sitting on the chair next to the couch with Bethany on her lap.

"I'm hungry for something with pasta. Do we have any of those big huge noodles?" Wondered Hailey. She stood with her legs crossed.

"I'm sure we do. Should I stuff them?" Asked Shannon, slowly standing up as to not hurt Bethany. Hailey nodded yes.

"Everyone else alright with that?"

We all nodded in conclusion, watching as she began walking off.

"Can I help mommy?!" Exclaimed Bethany, running after Shannon.

I sat in the chair Shannon was using previously. Boy was Milly right, it's warm in here.

Zander kissed Luke's shoulder. It almost looked like he had been waiting for Shannon to leave to do that.

"So.. wanna play would you rather?" Suggested Milly.

"Sure" replied Luke, smiling widely at her suggestion.

"Okay. Luke, since you replied first.. would you rather be just friends with Zander or date him knowing it would end badly?"

Luke thought silently for a good minute. "I think I would rather date him knowing it would end badly. Because even if it ended badly, I could probably salvage it. But nothing was worse than being just friends with someone you love."

"Aww so cute" Milly said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "You go now Luke."

"Okay.. Hailey. Would you rather have the good news or the bad news first?"

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