🎉Milly's birthday🎉

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Guys this is my second Milly's birthday special.. I've been on here for so long lawl😩

We r ignoring the fact that I'm late a day... oops


"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go shawty, it's yo birthday.. we gonna party like it's yo birthday we gonna sip Bacardi like it's yo birthday" Luke sang between giggles, watching Milly dance.

"Go Mil" said Zander unenthusiastically. He 'raised the roof'.

Milly, still dancing, said "Happy birthday to me!"

"You sure are excited Milly" Hailey laughed, hanging up a birthday banner.

Zander leaned on the kitchen counter. "She's excited to see Elliott" he teased. She rolled her eyes, a small pink tint on her cheeks.

"Yeah well at least I'm not OBSESSED with Luke. 'Oh Lukey come give me a kiss' 'cmere and give me and big huggy wuggy my little baby' 'I'm cold can I wear your sweatshirt and we can snuggle'" she mocked, making weird faces.

"Uh- We do NOT sound like that!" Yelled Zander, banging his hand onto the counter.



"Okay guys, break it up."

"Y'Know what?! I dare you to not touch Luke for the rest of the day! It's my birthday wish!" Milly exclaimed.

"Y'know what? FINE!" Zander ripped his hand out of Luke's grasp, crossing his arms across his chest. A frown took Luke's smile.

(Hailey's POV)

Arguing again. Of course they are. I walked closer to Milly, resting an arm on her shoulder. "You okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah no. I'm fine. I'm just annoyed with that stupid little grape fuck"

I chuckled. "I guess he is a stupid little grape, huh? Well anyways, we've got some gifts for you that I think you'll enjoy having"

Milly smirked. "I'll love anything you guys get me". She pulled me into a hug, twirling my hair around her finger. Milly likes having short hair, but if I ever tried to cut my hair, (which goes down to my butt) she would kill me.

I smiled wide, revealing my teeth. They all think she's excited to see Elliot, but can't a girl just be happy it's her birthday?

"okay break it up" Zander said. "if I can't hug Luke than you can't hug Hailey."

Milly scoffed. "yeah but I like guys. So I'm allowed to hug girls. I'm never gonna date Hailey so why not?"

"Because its annoying" Zander sighed, mocking Milly.

"Shut up you stupid grape fuck"

Zander rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go sit on the couch."

Milly turned back to me, crossing her arms. Lukes face wore a frown.

"Hey Luke, c'mere" I said, waving him over. He walked the 4 feet that separated us.

"Hello" He smiled, though I could tell he was stressed about the whole situation. Not because he can't hug Zander, but more so because he doesn't like arguing.

"Hey Lukey" Milly teased, hitting Lukes arm with her elbow. Luke smiled, gently nudging her in return.

A/N: unrelated but my grandma is a girlboss she is speeding me to school in pouring rain smh imagine being that much queen😩

"so Mil, when do you want your gifts?" Sean asked, wrapping an arm around Millys shoulder.

"we should defiantly open them now" she beamed, jumping in excitement.

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