🧹Storage closet🧹

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Requested by the amazing @SophiaPINKZZ

Jakes POV:

I had stayed after school this wednesday afternoon. Sean told me he had something cool to show me. Sean is great. Not only is he a good friend but-

"Yo! Jake!" Sean exclaimed. He placed him bro down next to the piano. "I've gotta grab something from the storage closet real quick. Wanna come?"

I shook my head yes. He lead me to the janitors closet, pulling my wrist along the way. My cheeks went flushed as his soft hand grabbed mine.

As we stepped into the dark room, I gazed at all the cleaning sprays and chemicals. Suddenly, the door shut behind us. Sean sighed a concerned sigh.

"Oh god" he said

Worried, I replied "what?"

"The door locks automatically when shut and doesn't unlock from the inside.. we're locked in" Sean finished, the sweat from his forehead increased seamingly as he tried at the door again.

"Do we know anyone that's still on campus?" I questioned. He stood still for a moment, thinking.

"Zander and Luke stayed after to study at the library. We could text them?"

I pulled my phone out quickly. I went to my texts with Zander first, which consisted of about three conversations that I can list off the top of my head:

Me: yo
Zander: yeah?
Me: whaz up
Zander: ..
Zander: nothing? U?
Me: nothing much

Zander: Hailey lost her phone. She says that practice is at 12:30 tmr instead of 12:40.
Me: okay coo coo
Zander: Jake, stop making chicken noises.
Me: Zander no- it's 'cool cool' jsut without the 'L'
Zander: Ik, Jake, I'm not a dumbass. Take a joke.
Me: ...

Me: yo what's good
Zander: no
Me: Oh

Anyways, I typed out "can you come unlock the janitors closet across from the music room? Sean and I are locked in"

And, being Zander, he left me on read. Why though? This is serious!

So, I texted Luke instead. "Hey Luke could you come unlock the storage closet across form the music room and tell ur man to stop leaving me on read in serious situations?"

Being Luke he immediately replied. "Sorry I can't help" why? Why Luke? Too busy with your boy toy?

Pissed, I slammed my phone back into my pocket. A strange bang came form outside of the room. I turned my head suddenly and jumped.

I ran to the door and banged as hard as I possibly could for whoever was out there, but, no prevail.

(Luke's POV)

"Zander!" I mumbled as he gently, but not too gently, kicked the outside wall of the janitors closet. "You'll ruin Sean's plan!"

Zander let out a soft giggled. "F*ck jake texted me again" he whispered. Rolling his eyes, he opened the message.

Jake: c'mon man! You gotta! My parents will kill me!!
Zander. no lol
Jake: Pls

I stared at his phone as the long line of 'pls' grew longer and longer.

Zander: Jake stfu before I chop ur d!k off

I grabbed Zander's phone, and typed out my own message.

'Sorry Jake! We-' the message started before Zander took his phone back. He deleted the message.

"Baby~" I wined, giving Zander puppy eyes. His face went extremely red, in an attempt to hide it, he pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face in my chest.

(A/n: promise there is a reason Luke n Zander r here it's not just to feed my lander heart)

(Jake's POV)

"Zander won't help so I don't know what to do!" I panicked. In response, Sean hugged me. He was warm. His skin was soft. I cuddled into his arms.

My grip tightened on the back of his hoodie, forcing him closer to me. He smelled nice.

"It'll be okay Jake. I'm here with you, we'll get out" he comforted. I felt safe. Sean is my safe place. No one compared to him. Not Hailey, not Milly, Zander or Luke, just Sean.

"I like you, Sean" I mumbled into his ear. My heart rate sped up, sweat trickled down my forehead.

"Hey! You stole my line" he replied, a little louder than I was. He pulled away slightly, his hands still on my back.

I stared at his lips. If there was one thing I adored more than music, it was Sean. I inches closer to him, the gap behind us sealing. The door creaked open, but neither of us pulled apart.

When we eventually did, we looked up to the door to see Zander and Luke, slow clapping while occasionally wiping away fake tears.

"Heh, you heard the whole thing, didn't you?" I mumbled. Luke shook his head yes.

"Mhm! And we're very happy for you!" Luke said, hugging Zander tight. Every happy moment for Luke calls for a hug.

Sean smiled. "Thank you for helping my plan guys"

"From one gay to another, congratulations" Zander said, quietly. You could tell he wanted to go home. But he was definatly happy for us.

"Luke, let's leave them be. I wanna go home" Zander wined. Luke smiled lovingly at his tiny grape boyfriend. He grabbed his hand.

"Okay we'll see you two tomorrow!" Luke beamed, walking away slowly. Distant laughter filled the hallways.

Sean and I were left alone in the storage closet, the door slightly cracked. God. I wanna marry this boy.


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