❤️‍🩹~Forbidden Love~❤️‍🩹

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[Liam's POV]

ugh, every time I close my eyes, all I can Picture is Henry's beautiful, green hair...and his georgous meme eyes...but we can't. he can't know I love him...he doesn't love me anyways.

"LIAM! DINER IS READY!" my mom called up the staires


my mother sighed so loud that I could hear it all the way up staires.


my phone went off.

"ugh. probably just Drew bragging about something dumb again." I think to myself.

I pick up the phone, and see that it was in fact not Drew that had texted me, but it was Henry

"hey Liam wanna call?" he texted

"sure" I responded

he Facetimed me, and all I could see was his georgous face.

"h-hey Henry" I said, a bit of blush crawling on my face, and a chill through my spine.

"wanna hang out today?" Henry asked. "I miss you" he said

my face turned red like a tomato.

"s-sure. what time?"

"hm...how about...1 hour! at the school parking lot" he said

"sounds perfect"

"great see ya then!" Henry exclaimed.

he then hung up, and I immediatly started getting ready.

I made it to the parking lot about 20 minutes early, and I waited and waited and waited. finally, Henry arrived. he was ten minutes late, but he is always late so I'm used to it.

"yo, Liam~ I brought cookies~" he said, holding out a brown bag, and giving it a little shake.

"ooh~" I said, sitting down with my back against the wall.

he finally made his way over, and sat next to me.

"I brought three cookies, so we can each have one and then split the last" Henry said, pulling out a cookie and handing it to me

"sounds good." after eating the first cookie, he pulls out the second one, breaks it in half and then says

"open your mouth Liam" and softly puts my half of the third cookie in my mouth.

"I-" I start

"no. silence please." he said, putting his thumb on my lips, and wiping the crumbs off. he then leans in slowly, and the gap between us becomes smaller, and smaller, closing in, and our lips finally touching.

"H-Henry" I said, pulling apart for air, and the going back in for more. after a moment, I pull away.

"w-we can't do this Henry..." I said, slowly, inching further away.

"yes we can Liam! you can't just leave me here!" he said as I stood up

"I'm sorry" I said, turning the other way

"no! please..." he whimpered

my heart shattered in that moment. why would I say that to him? why can't I go back...? I made him cry! I am such a horrible person. after I'm about half way across the parking lot, I slowly turn back, to crying Henry, having a fit that is Painful to watch.

"no...we can't. I need to get home before dark" I think, turning myself back around.

I make it to my house, and go to sleep.

[the next day]

I woke up, and got ready for school. like any other normal day. but then I remembered what happened the day before. after getting ready I left my house, and walked down the street to Henry's house to wait for him.

he walked out, looking like he got no sleep.

"you okay Henry...?" I asked, awkwardly

"yep. just fine. lets go." he said, not as hyper as normal.

we arrived at school, and made it to our first block class. today we had physics.

"good morning Henry, good morning Liam. please take your seats." our teacher said

"yes ms." said Henry, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward a seat in the second row.

"sit here. next to me" he said

"o-okay" I said, sitting down

"good" Henry exclaimed

he rested his hand on mine, and then pulled me closer, pecking my lips.

"Henry and Liam. that is not appropriate." the teacher said

"sorry miss. it was my fault" Henry said, looking up at the teacher

sooner or later lunch rolled around. as we were on our way to the lunch room, Henry pulled me into a closet.

"w-what are you doing?" I asked, looking down at Henry who had a serious look on his face

"don't talk" he said, leaning in and kissing me once again. this time, it lasted a while. I pulled away

"can we do this?" he asked


"can we...ya know...kiss on a regular basis...call each other 'boyfriend'...hug...cuddle...say I love you" he said, grabbing both of my hands.

"I...I think we can." I said, kissing Henry once more, this time for only a few seconds.






Hope you enjoyed! oml I need sleep-

word count-746

um- yall- i wrote this a while ago and- i made so many mistakes-- i tried fixing a few of them but- WHY DID I FLIPPIN MAKE THEM KISS FOR SO LONG---

Guys so I just wanted to say that this is very long and I was like eleven and I didn't understand that I can just make Henry go around kissing Liam without consent-

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