First ever fanfic 😭

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Chapter 1
Hailey's POV~

Me, Jake, Zander, and Luke are all having a sleepover tonight, I sorta kinda really like Jake. but I'm too nervous to tell him.

"so, what should we do at this boring sleepover?" said Zander

"oh Zander, stop being such a downer." Luke said

"how am I not supposed to be a downer when THAT, is here" Zander says, turning to Jake giving him the stink eye

"Zander that's mean!" I say

"yeah zander, that was cold." Jake says

Zanders POV~

ugh, how am I supposed to sleep knowing Jake is in the room? I know Hailey likes him and all, but he does not deserve her. she is way too good for him. And, Luke...well he, I-uh I don't know if I will survive the night knowing very well that Luke is sleeping beside me...I wonder if he would notice if I just...

Zander reaches for Luke's hand, and quickly pulls away as he notices Jake looking his way.

"screw it" Zander thinks to himself.

He reaches for Luke's hand once more, and this time he doesn't pull away.

Luke's POV~


Luke lets out a small squeal, in excitement.  and Zander notices, and lets go of Luke's hand. Luke is a bit disappointed. He reaches out for Zander's hand, but Zander pulls away. Luke looks at Zander, and his facial expression reads "why did you pull away?!" Zander shrugs his shoulders.

"so, uhhh" Luke mumbles

Luke inches closer to Zander. he reaches for Zander's hand. Zander gives in and lets Luke's hand slowly glide under his. Zander slowly puts his head on Luke's shoulder. Hailey and Jake notice but don't say anything.

"so, Hailey?" Luke says

"have you finished writing that song you keep talking about?"

"almost." Hailey replied

"you mind singing what you have for us?"

"um..." Hailey whimpered

"oh come on please Hailey!?" Jake said excitedly

"umm...I guess..." Hailey replied softly

she then proceeded to sing the song she wrote.

Jakes POV~

damn, Hailey is so perfect. I think she might be an angel living on Earth. Her voice is so angelic. and her smile is like the sun. I don't know if I can hold back much longer... Jake and Hailey make eye contact, and Jake just can't hold back anymore. he pulls in Hailey and Kisses her. the kiss lasts about a minute.

"GROSS IM RIGHT HERE" Zander shouted

"Take a chill pill Zander, I know you love Hailey and want the best for her but-" Luke started but got cut off by Zander

"NO! get a room if you wanna make out. disgusting"

Luke pushes Zander's head back down onto his shoulder. Zander starts to blush, but cuddles right up to Luke. Zander is now cuddled up on his lap. Luke is holding Zanders body in his arms, Zander slowly falls asleep, due to boring conversations the rest of the night. Luke falls asleep about an hour after Zander. Hailey and Jake go to sleep about two hours after Luke and Zander.

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