🎄Merry christmas🎄

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(Hailey's POV)

It was well into the day. school was finally over and the club was staying over and Zander and I's house once again. Milly had put on she and Luke's favorite Christmas movie, The grinch. After a long hardy day of school, hot coco by the fireplace with a movie was what we six needed.

"Y'know Zander you kinda remind me of the Grinch." Milly stated, continuing "Y'all even look alike"

"Eat yellow snow" He said. "That is a threat by the way"

Everyone giggled at his response.

Luke pondered the argument, giggling at his own conclusion. "Y'know Zander, you are kinda like the grinch." Before Zander could fire back, Luke went on "You act all tough but your really a huge sweetheart."

Zander turned red. I couldn't tell if it was out of embarrassment, or because Luke called him a 'huge sweetheart' (which is true, he acts tough but he's got a big heart and a lot of soft spots. specially for Milly, Jake, and most of all Luke.) Probably both.

Milly eyed the Christmas tree. "Hey Zandy can I have a candy cane?" Milly asked.

"No" Zander shook his had.

"Can I?" Jake asked in a teasing manure. Milly and Jake sure did love teasing Zander.


Milly and Jake turned to Luke. He furrowed his eyebrows, making a 'what?' face. Milly pointed slightly at the candy canes. Luke shook his head no. In response, Jake shook his head yes. Luke, eyebrows still furrowed, smiled and rolled his eyes, letting out a big sigh.

"Can I?" Luke questioned, turning to Zander. Zander Looked up at him, and grabbed the nearest candy cane from the tree, handing it to Luke.

Luke held it up to Milly and Jake, shrugging his shoulders. Milly and Jake eyed each other. Milly then held up three fingers, Jake agreeing with a thumbs up. They began playing rock paper scissors. Milly won with rock, then they tied three times with scissors, Jake won a round with paper, and Milly finished with rock once again.

Luke tossed the candy cane to her. she mumbled 'YES!'

Jake looked at Luke, giving him puppy eyes. Luke giggled.

"Hey baby?" He said, turning to Zander. He grabbed both of the grape haired boy's hands, causing Zander's cheeks to spark with pink.


"Can Jake have a candy cane too?"

Zander rolled his eyes to the sky, took one hand from Luke, and pulled a second one off the tree. Jake slow clapped for Luke in amazement.

"Yas Mister Peterson" Jake caught the candy cane from Zander. 'Teach me your ways" Jake laughed, unwrapping the sweet treat. he stuck it in his mouth.

"Guys I think we should call Zander Mister Peterson the second" Sean said, causing everyone to laugh. Zander turned as red as a tomato. Milly laughed so hard hot coco came out of her nose, and her candy cane dropped to the ground, which was covered by a pile of blankets.

Jake stood up and ran to grab the mistletoe off the hook on the fireplace. he stood above Luke and Zander, holding the mistletoe in between the lovers. Zander shook his head no. Luke looked up at the holly berry. he looked back over to Zander. In which Zander shrugged his shoulders.

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