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Zander sighed heavily, tears filled his eyes. "You alright sweetie?" Luke questioned. "Yeah." You could hear tears in his voice. Luke placed his hand on Zander's back, and rubbed his hand up and down along his spine. "It's not too hard once you get it" Luke murmured. Zander re-tried the problem. "Okay, so A1 = 1/2 x b x h = 1/2 x 20 x 15 =150ft squared, and A2 = pi r squared over 2 = 3.14 x 2 x 5 squared over 2 = 9.8 ft squared, than the answer is 190.2ft squared?" Zander asked, a groggy tone. "..no". Zander cupped his face in his hands, and tears fell from his eyes, puddling his hands. "Calm down hunny. We'll get it". "No we won't because it's 12am and I need to sleep and we have school tomorrow" Zander cried, an occurring stutter. Luke wrapped his other arm around Zander's small torso, and pulled him in close. "You can talk to me if you feel stressed baby, only if you want" Luke suggested in a soft tone. Zander didn't reply. Only cried harder. The taller boy pulled Zander into his lap. Zander's head remained on Luke's chest as he sobbed uncontrollably. "I know it can be stressful. really is stressful. How about you take a break?" Luke offered. Zander, still crying, shut his school laptop.

Luke tilted Zander's face up with his pointer finger. He kissed his smaller boyfriend gently.

Luke's lips traveled around Zander's tear stained face, and ended at his jaw.

The grape-haired teen Looked down, sniffling. His face was red from crying, and not to mention how flustered he was. He leaned up and quickly pecked the taller boys nose. Most of the time, every kiss they had was initiated by Luke. He giggled gently at his boyfriends adorable act, and pulled him back into a hug. Eventually, Zander fell asleep in Luke's arms.

Luke carefully grabbed Zander school computer, trying desperately not to wake him up. He opened the unfinished assignment, and went to the private comment section.

"Hello, Mr. ___. I'm not Zander, I'm his friend Luke. I know this may seem sudden, and I'm sorry for bothering you so late. Zander fell asleep. He tried all night to finish this work, but he just couldn't get it. I hope you understand and we will make sure he gets it's in by Monday:)" Luke pressed the 'send' button, and off the message went.

A few moments later, the teacher replied.

"Oh, so you're the infamous Luke. Zander's boyfriend correct? He talks about you all the time:) Anyways, that sounds perfectly fine. As long as it's in before the end of next week. We all need off time"

"I am indeed his boyfriend! And, thank you for understanding." Luke replied. He shut the MacBook and placed it on the floor.

After a while of studying the short boys gorgeous face, Luke fell asleep too.

Hope you enjoy :) FYI, I headcanon the teachers ship their students lol that's why the teacher knows they are dating n stuff

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