👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Drenry/jiam date<3 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

653 8 13

Requested by Starrysilence878

Drew sat down, Henry following after. "Ugh. Jake and Liam are gonna be late as always" Drew scoffed, wrapping a gentle arm around Henry's shoulder. Henry rested his hand on Drew's.

"Yeah Yeah. But at least you have me here right?" Henry smiled up at Drew, who rolled his eyes, kissing Henry softly on the forehead.

Jake and Liam approached the table hand-in-hand. "Sorry for being late" Jake apologized, sitting down after Liam. "We were.. busy"

"Yeah, busy." Henry scoffed. He laughed at Jake's blatant lie.

"Whad'ya say after we eat we go see a movie?" Drew asked.

Liam you smiled excitedly at the idea "sure"

Henry moaned. "I'm hungry"  Drew's face took on a gentle expression.

"Have you eaten today sweetie?" Drew worried, rubbing his hand on Henry's shoulder. "I don't remember you eating lunch?"

Henry made the f boy face. "The only thing I ate today was your big fat booty patooty"

Liam and Jake laughed, while Drew rolled his eyes.

"So Jake, how are your freak friends going?" Drew asked. Jake rolled his eyes to the sky.

Suddenly, on que, a little group walks past their table.

"Speak of the devil" Drew snickered. "HEY ZANDER!"

Zander's body tensed. He didn't, however, turn to Drew. Of course Zander recognized his voice. Jake rolled his eyes.

"Now I wish we went somewhere else" Jake complained. Liam's arm blended with Jakes perfectly.

Liam comforted Jake, "Now now, let's not fight! Just eat okay guys?"

This is only part 1 my motivation said bye -

"Drew leave his friends alone" Henry teased, watching as the group of six walked away.

The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now