🎈Happy Birthday Milly🎈

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(Happy late birthday to Milly I couldn't think of anything to write yesterday-)

-Hailey's POV-

"Zander~! I told you to put up the streamers! Milly will be here in an hour!" I shouted, walking to the living room to se Zander asleep on Luke. Luke awkwardly stared up at me.

"Why is he asleep?" I questioned, giving Luke the death stare.

"He was up late last night.." Luke replied, stroking Zander's cheek softly.

"Up late doing what? Making out?" I wondered, annoyed. I leaned my hand on the couch.

"no.. He was helping me study. It's my fault okay? Is that the answer you were looking for? Or do you want me to lie? Because I damn well can do that. Now quiet down because he needs sleep." Luke exclaimed, whispering as to not wake up his sleeping boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and shook Zander awake.

"Yeah..?" He questioned, Luke gave me the death stare, and let go of Zander so he could sit up properly.

"I told you to help me decorate. Come on. There is no time for sleep." I finished, grabbing Zander by the wrist and pulling him to the kitchen.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked in a groggy, tired, yet frustrated voice.

"Make some of those pancakes that you seem to somehow be so good at making even though the last time mom asked you to make Bethany Mac&Cheese you burnt it so bad it was plastered to the pot." I complained, reaching into the box of party supplies.

"Fine. And that only happened one time! The other times I only burned it a little bit." Zander fought back, standing up off the bar stool he had sat in.

"Whatever. Go get Luke to help me." I demanded, pointing toward the living room.

Zander left and went to the living room. A heard a nock at the door and ran to see who it was. I peaked throught the window to see Jake standing there. I smiled brightly at the sight, and opened the door. He pulled me into a loving hug, and held flowers out to me.

"for Milly?"

"no, for my favorite girl. Her name is Hailey Austin? Is she here yet?" he joked, a confused face, yet smiling brightly.

I took the flowers and pulled a vace out of the cubbard below the sink, filling it with water. Jake followed after me, smiling the whole time. "Lucky for you, she is."

"You look so pretty right now. Can I take a picture?" Jake questioned as he stared at me.

I giggled. "sure. You can take a picture" I said. I smiled brightly and he took a picture of me.

"I'm posting this on instagram because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And I'm making this my profile picture on every app." he said, smiling at the picture he took.

"okay" I said giggling.

"where's Zander and Luke?" Jake questioned, still staring at his phone.

"ugh, that reminds me. I'll be right back." I said, annoyed. I left to go to the living room, Jake following after.

We peaked into the living room. Zander was in Lukes arms, and they were standing in the middle of the room. From what I could see, they had their eyes clozed. I looked at Jake, who was just staring. He looked down at me, and I shrugged. We decided to leave them be.

We made our way back to the kitchen.

"well, you can help me instead." I said.

We workes for a while, waiting for Zander and Luke. Eventually they came back out and helped us.

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