❤️Cuddles 2/3❤️

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Hey!! This is a part 2 of my last upload, I woke up earlier and I decided this was a perfect time to write some more for your guys!! Enjoy!!

(Hailey's POV)

Jake had come over to hang out with me. He wanted to hang out with me. I mean, I always admired Jake but I think that admiration has turned into something more like a crush.

We were sitting on the couch watching one of my favorite movies clueless. He said that after we finish this he wants to watch high school musical because it reminds him of me.

Enough rambling, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled my close to his chest, my head was leaned on his shoulder. (a/n: they are sitting on the living room couch btw:) )

"Hey princess?" He whispered. I could hardly see his face as the only light was coming from the dim-lit TV.

"Yes?" I replied, slightly louder than him.

He paused before speaking. "you look beautiful tonight. I've been wanting to tell you since this morning."

I smiled. I could feel my face heating up. "But you look even cuter" I said.

He placed his hand on my cheek. "May I?" and if he was asking what i thought he was asking, than the answer was yes. I nodded my head.

Both of us slowly leaned in with our eyes closed. As soon as our lips met, my heart beat sped up. My face was burning.

We ended the kiss as soon as we heard a door open from upstairs.

"Who's that?" He wondered, his face still lingering close to mine.

"Zander and Luke" I replied with a smile. And just like I said, Zander and Luke can tip-towing done the stairs, hand in hand.

"Sorry!" Whispered Zander. "I had to go pee but michaels in the bathroom and Michael takes forever!"

I chuckled and nodded. He let go of Luke's hand and went into the bathroom.

Luke frowned and walked over to us. "Sorry if we're interrupting anything."

"No no you're not! We were just chilling" Jake exclaimed in comfort. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling my back into his chest.

Luke stayed silent like me and Jake for a good minute before speaking. "Are you two dating now?" Boy did I dread someone asking that question because I knew it would happen.

Jake and I looked at eachother before he answered. "Thinking about it I guess. I mean, we're definitely not just friends"

Luke smiled and nodded. "That's nice for you two. I'm happy to see you both finally together. I feel like it's always we're you've wanted to be"

"That much is true" added Jake, before he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. He nuzzled his face into my hair.

I looked at Luke with a huge smile on my face to find he, too, was smiling. And then, before the moment could end, Zander flung open the bathroom door and gasped at the sight of me and Jake.

He ran to the couch and jumped beside Luke. "So you're a couple now?"

Luke placed an arm on Zander's chest in comfort. "Jake said that they aren't dating but that they are definatly more than friends"

Zander nodded. "Oh uh, okay. So friends with benefits?"

"Oh my god no!" I exclaimed, gently shoving Zander. "Luke you can stay but Zander needs to go away!"

Zander laughed and grabbed Luke hand before heading towards the stairs.

And just like that, we are alone again. Left with each others warmth, we both fell asleep.


Heyyyy hopefully you enjoyed!! Expect milliott or saisy next!!

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