😬awkward encounter😬

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Requested by @HyperMicrowaved :)

Ship: Dreny (Drew x Henry)

Genre: fluff-?


After a nearly a month,, I'm finally doing this request 😭😭


(Drew's POV)

Henry and I had been going out for a week now. Today is our first date. When I asked where he wanted to go, he just wanted to go to the mall.

"C'mon Hen, you gotta want to go somewhere" Drew said, arm wrapped around the green haired boys shoulder.

"No it's fine! Maybe we could just go to the food court and get something?" Henry suggested, Drew looked at him in confusion.

"Wait." He paused. "Your telling me that out of all the stores in this mall, you just want to sit down and hang out and talk to me?"

Henry nodded yes. Drew, staring at Henry, smiled gently. He stared at the other for a second before kissing his forehead.

"So let's go get something to eat. Afterwards maybe we can go to Claire's and get matching bracelets or something since you so desperately want to buy me stuff" Henry laughed, he took Drew's hand into his own.

Drew's face went red as Henry pulled him through the mall by his hand. Soon enough, the two were in the food court.

"So what do you wanna get?" Asked Henry, finding a seat. Drew shrugged. "Okay.. well why don't we get slushies and some chicken tenders?"

Drew nodded in agreement.

Henry's attention was taken. Drew looked confused at whatever Henry was staring at.

"LUKE!" Henry exclaimed, earning the tall red-heads attention. The green haired boy stood up and ran halfway to meet the boy. Drew followed after him.

"Hello, Drew." Zander scoffed, brushing a piece of hair behind his ear.

"Wait.." Luke started, a confused look on kid face. "Are you two.. On a date?" 

Henry laughed, taking Drews hand. "yep!"

Drew blushed, a shocked look spreading across the other couples face. "W-well.. Don't tell anyone about this.."

"We won't." Zander sighed. He took Lukes hand. "Can we please go now?"

Luke nodded. "Bye Henry! Bye Drew!"

"Bye!" Exclaimed Henry, Drew giving a small wave.


The Music Freaks One Shots // Requested openWhere stories live. Discover now