😷Quarentine (1/4)😷

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-Zander's POV-
A quarantine was called. Something called "Brovid 18"? Apparently, (I'm changing the virus.) it's where when, if, you get diagnosed, you will be forever honest. If I get it it won't matter because I'm already 'brutally' honest apparently. Side affects include nausea, fainting spells, coughing blood, stomach pains, cramping, weakness in muscles/bones, and last, death. Death is uncommon so far, only a week into this 'pandemic', only elderly people have died from it.

"Hello, if I could have your attention please. In regards of Brovid 18," the principal announced on the speakers.

I grabbed Luke's hand and squeezed it tight, tears filling my eyes.

"we will be issued a stay at home law in all of Washington DC."

Luke turned his head and looked at my tear stained face as I silently cried. He looked into my eyes deeply and kissed me softly in the dark classroom.

"Please stay in your homes, and stay safe. This quarantine starts Monday." She finished.

I turned around to see Hailey, sitting next to Jake, who was also crying a bit. Hailey was trying to comfort him. I wasn't exactly scared of the virus, I was scared of losing Luke. What if we became distant? What if we never kiss again? What will it be like not seeing my love every day? What will I do without the comfort of Luke's arms? Will I be able to make it through quarantine?

After a month of this quarantine, my mom is finally letting me see Luke. I haven't seen him in person for so long, and I'm so excited.

"You have to social distance. I don't need either of you getting broronavirus" mom complained, wiping the counter.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm not social distancing. Neither of us have it" I argued.

"Mom, why can't I see Jake if Zander gets to see Luke?" Hailey complained.

"I'll try to work something out with his parents Hailey." Mom finished, slipping her shoes on. She grabbed my sisters hand. By now, it was summer.

We got in the car and finally arrived. I got to see my sweet for the first time in a month. I sat in the car and waited, a mask covering my face, waiting for them to arrive. Finally they pulled up next to us. I turned my head to face Luke, who was staring back at me. I unrolled the window, and he unrolled his. He was just as handsome and I had remembered him. He reached his hand out the window, and I grabbed it.

"Zander?" He said in a soft voice


"You still look as handsome as ever" he complimented, smiling brightly and moving the mask off his face.

"Yeah well you look better" I argued, joking. I pulled the mask down as well.

We stepped out of the car.

"Nice shoes" he said, looking down at my bare feet.

"Heh, I can say the same thing to you" I joked, pointing at his nearly bare feet.

"Hey at least I have socks on" he joked.

He got in our car, mask on, and waved bye to his mom. We drove off.

"You can take off the mask Luke. I trust you don't have the virus" Mom added, looking at Luke through the rear-view mirror.

He pulled it off and kissed me softly for the first time since our goodbye kiss a month ago. His touch was soft, sweet, comforting. We made it to my house, and went up to my room. His smile was more then I could ever ask for. He never really smiled when we face-timed.

"Try not to touch or kiss too much. I still don't think this is a great idea" mom said, smirking.

"We already kissed once we aren't kissing again today mom. We're only 16 we aren't animals" I finished, smirking and rolling my eyes.

"Okay okay just go have fun. But not too much fun! I mean- AGH just go and hang out now before I mess up again!" Mom teased, flustering herself.

Me and Luke giggled.

"Okay mom. Will do" I joked, saluting.

We went up to my room and and sat on my bed, we cuddled, despite the fact my mom told us not to touch too much, and fell asleep.
Fin. Guys, I'm not saying anyone in tmf would disrespect the rules of COVID 19, I made my entire own disease for this. I do believe everyone in the show would follow the guidelines and social distance, I'm writing this for fun:) ily!!

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