👨‍👨‍👦And then there were five👩‍👧

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So this AU takes place 1 year in the future!! Jake, Hailey, Zander & Luke are all seniors, Sean has graduated (hence why he isn't in the drawing), and Milly is a junior!!

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So this AU takes place 1 year in the future!! Jake, Hailey, Zander & Luke are all seniors, Sean has graduated (hence why he isn't in the drawing), and Milly is a junior!!

I just got bored so ya!

(Pls notice Zander's undercut😩)

"Guys, the band doesn't feel complete without Sean" Luke complained, sitting in the seat that formerly belonged to the DJ. He rested his drums sticks on the desk.

Zander chuckled, leaning onto the wood surface of the desk. "You're not wrong. It feels so surreal without him.

"His graduation was so sad!" Luke exclaimed, banging his head onto the desk. Zander rested a hand on Luke's back, rubbing it gently.

"I know, mister 'I cried so loud people were staring'" Hailey teased, making a crying face. Luke laughed in embarrassment.

"Well, what can I say? I miss Sean." Started the drummer. "And with Zander's 18th birthday coming up.. oh god. Zander, you're gonna be 18 soon.. I've known you since we were four and five!"

Zander smiled, still rubbing his stressed lovers back. "I am almost eighteen. But that only means that we can get married sooner"

Luke's face lit up. "Oh you're right! Once I turn eighteen in may we can get married!"

Zander nodded, Luke quickly pulling him into a hug.

Milly nudged Hailey with her elbow. "I thought you said the honeymoon faze only lasted a week or two,, but it's been over a year and we're still in the same place. So much so It's almost time for the actual honeymoon" complained the guitarist.

"Luke and Zander sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, than comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage" sang Jake.

"Okay, we're off topic now. Who's going to DJ for us?" Zander wondered, sitting himself onto the desk.

Hailey shrugged. "I mean, Sean can still DJ for us. Just not while we are at school."

"Oh on the weekends we can all meet up and we can show him what we've written and he can make a track!" Luke exclaimed.

Hailey nodded, smiling at the drummers excitement.

"No more five hour energy's for you Luke" Jake cooed, chuckling.

Luke sighed, rolling his eyes. "I only had one. And a Gatorade."

The four others stared at him. "Okay. Two gatorades and a cup of coffee."

Okay this is kinda just a lil demo. Im ending it here bc I have like 12 requests to do-

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