🥃Sleep drunk🥃

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Not real drunk.. SLEEP DRUNK!

This is for @_moterola_
Who requested a sleep drunk Luke epilogue. Tbh idk how to write an epilogue sooo...

Before we start, sleep drunk is basically just where u are so tired u act drunk and like it's worse on certain ppl.. (like me-) and I hc Luke to get sleep HAMMERED because he gives like SUPER sleep drunk vibes. Okay- that's all-

"Milly, I don't understand how you're not tired.." Luke muttered, his face buried into Zanders shoulder.

"I don't understand why you are tired." Milly replied. She moved her game piece two spaces.
"It's only 11:30. The night is young!"

Luke, eyes barely open, rolled the dice. It landed on five. He grabbed his red piece and moved it five spaces.

"wrong direction sweetie." Zander said. He grabbed the piece and put it back where it was before. Luke then moved it five spaces forward.

"HAH! I win~!" Milly laughed, pointing at her piece. Luke smiled and nodded yes. The pink haired girl picked up the game.

"Okay, can we go to sleep yet?" Luke wondered,  leaning his head onto Zander's shoulder. Milly rolled her eyes.

"Absolutely not. Since you're practically hammered, we're gonna play a game called naked truth. You just have to tell me the complete, naked truth. To the whole group"

Luke nodded yes.

"Okay Luke. Tell me the truth." Jake smiled, leaning his head on his hand.

"I'm in love with the shape of you" he said, opening his eyes. Everyone burst with laughter. "I don't know. You guys already now everything about me"

"Okay okay. Tell me how you're feeling." Hailey offered.

"Um... saucy for Barry B. Benson." Luke rolled his eyes. "Now let. Me. Sleep."

Milly rolled her eyes back. She shoved her hand in Luke's face. "Shunned. Now go to bed loser"

Luke smiled before standing up, leaving the room, and walking to presumably wherever he was sleeping for the night.

Sorry this is so short, idk what to write. I also have like 5 other requests lol

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