💃8th grade dance//lander🕺

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Okay so- I've seen a million and a half people write this one so why tf not:D

I'm one to use emma slander, but I can't help myself- (not emma from Tpn I mean Emma's in like middle school pls-)

Zander had remained seated at his table for a while now. Watching his friends fail to dance well was quite entertaining, actually, and he didn't plan on stopping.

Some random girl sitting next to him, well, at the same table, Emma, decided to annoy him a little bit.

"Hey you" she called out, not knowing the grape boys name. "I don't know who you are, but you look like a Jake, so I'll call you Jake. "

"Don't call me Jake. My name is Zander. I fvcking hate Jake."

"Jake sterling? I think he's hot"

Zander rolled his eyes. Of course she did. "Okay that's good for you." He scoffed, watching as Luke and Hailey walked back slowly.

"Oh, hey Luke!" The girl exclaimed. Zander noticed she upped the pitch of her voice when Luke came over. Annoying.

"Hey Emma" he replied, awkwardly smiling. He looked uncomfortable.

"Can I ask you something?" She wondered. Luke space grew concerned. He was nervous, and not in a lovely, flustered way. He shook his head yes. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Luke's face grew flushed, and his nervous look became scared. The look in his eyes showed how uncomfortable he was. Zander eyed Luke. Making eye contact, the purple haired boy knew what he needed to do.

"Actually, Luke is my boyfriend." Zander said, blushing intensely. He stood up and grabbed Luke's hand.

"Oh.. ew"


"You're gay." The girl frowned. "It's against the Bible"

Zander giggled.

"Well I don't care about the Bible" he replied gently with a big smile.

"Oh god. You're one of those freak of natural lgbt gay people"

"Sure!" He smiled even brighter. A sudden charm to him.

"Mm, bye." She walked away, slight disgust.

Zander pulled Luke to sit down, their hands remained intertwined. He carefully let go. "Sorry Luke. I got you into this, so I'll get you out of it. We'll have to pretend to date until the dance is over"

"Thats fine!" Luke beamed. He seems.. Excited? Too excited.

Luke gently pulled Zander's hand to his face, kissing each of his finger tips, them his rather sweaty palms, even his knuckles. Zanders face grew redder and redder as he watched, slowly glaring at Hailey, who gave him a side smirk.

After Luke finished kissing his hands, he gently rubbed the small boys palm with his thumb.

"Wanna dance?" Luke questioned. He had decided to make the most of this whole 'fake dating' thing.

Zander shook his head yes, and was quickly pulled to the dance floor. Luke left hand found it's place on Zander's lower hip, and right draped over Zander's shoulder.

"I don't really know how to dance, so I figured this is fine" Luke giggled. Zander gave a small, flustered smile. Zander's placed both of his arms around Luke's shoulders, and the pair began to glide to the music.

"You're actually quite the flirt you know" Zander laughed in an attempt to ease the awkward tension.

" I can't help it" Luke paused, shifting his right hand dramatically to his forehead. "I'm a hopeless romantic" he squeeled as dramatically as possible.

Zander giggled at the fact that Luke probably didn't know what 'hopeless romantic' meant.

"Uh-huh. Says the one who's never had a partner" Zander teased, though he'd never had a partner himself.

"Neither have you!" Luke fought back, a huge smile on his glittering face.

"Yeah yeah... would it be okay if I, Uhm, leaned my head on your chest while we sway?" Zander wondered. Sometimes, being the short one payed off. Free pillow. Zander looked behind Luke to see Hailey, now dancing awkwardly with Daisy. He hadn't talked to Daisy personally, but boy, did Hailey have the biggest crush on her.

Luke looked back too, smiling at the blushy pair.

"Of course" he finished, pulled Zander into a gentle hug. Zander's eyes fluttered shut as his face neared the peanut boys chest.

Luke smelled so nice. The best way Zander could describe it was 'home'. Maybe he was biased, having had a crush on Luke for so long now. Three years.


They'd been swaying for about, 20 minutes now, when Zander lifted his head from Luke's chest.

The boys in love stared into each other's eyes, their already red cheeks becoming a darker shade.

"Thank you.. for dancing with me" Luke murmured as both of them look back and forth between each other's eyes and mouths. Luke's lips looked so soft to Zander. Almost like he couldn't resist. Both the boys slowly leaned together, the gap between becoming smaller, and smaller until..

It was at this very moment, when Zander's first kiss had began. Luke had already kissed two girls, and a guy. But Zander hadn't kissed anyone.

The kiss continued, deepening slightly. Zander had never wanted his first kiss to be at the eight grade dance, in front of so many people, but he had always wanted it to be with Luke.

Zander pulled away before anything could get any deeper, not wanting to go any further in front of a crowd. He noticed a few people staring at him, but decided to brush it off. The only thing he cared about right now, was being with Luke.

"Was that part of the fake dating or was it real?" Luke questioned slightly, his smile fading just a little in worry that is was an act.

"It was real.. I think" Zander smiled back.

"I love you.. Real boyfriend" Luke stuttered. He had never told someone he wasn't related to he loved them.

"I love you too, real boyfriend"

And so there they were, left dancing together, in their owm little world. Finally they both had what they oh so desperatly wanted, to love each other. They danced the rest of the night, forgetting all their worries, traumas, and anxieties. (And Emma)

(ha hope u like dis one<3)

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