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"My sister's friend is coming over by the way" Luke added, leaning his head onto Zander's shoulder. The two boys sat side my side on Luke's bed.

Zander took his lovers hand. "Which one?"

"The one that has a crush on me." Sighed the brunette. Zander chuckled, planting a soft kiss onto Luke's forehead.

"Guess I'll have to fight her then" shrugged the pianist, a tone of light sarcasm.

Luke laughed. "She's like, 11"

"Oh" Zander chuckled, his smile widening. "Still"

The two sat in comfortable silence, embraced in each other's warmth. Luke listened carefully as a car door slammed open, then shut. He could just barely make out the sound of fourteen year old girls gossiping.

He sat up, out of Zander's grasp, pushing his hair out of his face. "They're gonna come up here. Lei still doesn't know about us dating so don't make it obvious"

Zander nodded, sighing as the two girls stomped up the stairs. Leila (Luke's sister) slammed the door open so hard, the knob made a dent in the wall.

"Oh by the way, that's my brothers best friend. They've known each other since they were like, four and five" Leila exclaimed, pointing between Luke and Zander.

"Oh my god. No way! Thats so hot" she exclaimed, attempting (but failing) to whisper.

The girls approached Lukes bed, Macy (the friend) sitting on the edge. "So Luke, any cute girls at school"

Luke shrugged. "Uh.. Not really,,"

Macy laughed. "poor girls. Anybody pretty as me?"

Luke sighed, disguising it as a laugh. "yeah, like half of the student body"

She smacked her lips. "well, at least I'm not in the ugly half." she pulled herself closer to Luke.

Leila sensed Lukes uncomfortability. "Um, so Zander.. Any cute guys at school?"

Zander nodded yes, eyes stuck to his phone.

"Ooh I've never met a real life gay person" Macy exclaimed, turning her attention to Zander.

"you've met Leila"

Leila gasped, rolling her eyes. "am not!"

Zander gave her a questioning look.

"so anyways.." Macy started, twirling her hair around her finger. "there's no one at my school as cute as you, Luke"

Luke smiled awkwardly. Zanders face grew red. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I know right. Just wait until you see Luke shirtless."

Macy rolled her eyes. "As if I haven't. I've known Luke for like, three years now"

"Mk. Well I've known him for 12 so I've seen a lot." Zander muttered.

"Yeah. Y'know, I didn't think he'd have such nice abs. But then I saw him with no shirt on."

Leila looked disgusted. "Okay Mace, I get it. You think my brother is hot"

"Well who wouldn't think your brother is hot, Lei?" Zander smirked, sitting up and wrapping his arm around Luke's waist. Luke's face turned red.

"Honestly though. Luke is probably the hottest guy I've ever seen." Said the angry girl.

Zander lifted up Luke's shirt, placing a hand on the brunettes stomach. "Nice abs, Luke"

"Thank you." Said Luke, barely loud enough to hear. Zander kissed his cheek gently. Macy gasped, Leila's mouth wide open.

Zander leaned into Luke's ear, mustering the quietest voice he could. "Just go with it." Luke nodded.

Luke turned his face towards Zander, closing the gap between their lips. Zander pulled away, pulling Luke onto the pillow. He leaned his head on his golden eyed boyfriends chest.

Macy grunted. "So you're, like, gay for him Luke."

Luke nodded yes, running his fingers through Zander's hair.

"Mm. Okay then. Let's go Lei." Macy sighed, leaving the bedroom. Leila looked at Zander and Luke, shrugging.

Luke waved Leila over. "Tell her that when you left we started making out" me whispered into her ear, earning a quiet laugh. She gave a thumbs up, walking out too.

Just a short chapter bc we all know literally everyone's little sister has had a crush on Luke lmao-

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