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Zander sensed a set of golden eyes locked onto hid lips. As the two made eye contact, Luke swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Hey Zander?" said the the taller boy.


"How are you doing?" Luke asked. Zander stared at him confused.

"uhm.. Alright?" he replied, slightly confused. Luke pulled his hand out from u her Zander's placing it on the homework on his lap.

Whispering, he replied "Yeah, that's good." he stayed silent after that last sentence. Worry filled Zander's stomach. Starring at the note pad in front of him, Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

Tears filled the peanut haired boys eyes. He lost any sense of a smile he wore before. Bringing his knees closer to his chest, like began to cry.

Silent sobs escaped the boys eyes. Panicked, Zander scooted himself closer, placing a comforting arm on the crying boys back.

"Hey.." mumbled Zander, lost at what to say next. As Lukes sobs grew louder, he leaned into his purple haired boyfriend. Zander took Luke into an embrace, rubbing gentle circles on his back.

"It's okay hunny.. Do you wanna tell me whats wrong?" Asked Zander, using a gentle voice. Tears stained Zanders dark purple t-shirt.

Luke nodded yes.

"do you wanna catch your breath first?" Zander offered. Luke pulled out of Zander's grasp, his hands remaining on the lavender eyed males shoulders.

Luke took a deep breath in, exhaling gently. He took Zander's smaller hands into his own.

"it's just.. I always have to,, I don't know. I always have to comfort everybody and never get comforted when I have my own problems. So I started ignoring my own feelings and focusing on other peoples issues."

Zanders frowned. "that might be my fault. I'm sorry if I made you feel like that.." Luke fell back onto Zander's chest, crying once again. Zander kissed his boyfriend's forehead attempting to at least ease the pain.

"I love you" Zander said, laying down and bringing Luke to his chest. Luke wiped his under eyes.

"I love you too" he replied, his voice stuffy.

"And.. I'm sorry. I promise to acknowledge you feelings too." Apologized the grape eyed boy. Luke nodded, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

Short chapter because I stan Zander comforting Luke. I feel like just reading this you can tell I'm bad at comforting ppl lol

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