❤️Too Much to Handle💕

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genre~ future

(Luke's POV)

okay, my little sister is writing this, she's never written before lol. hope you enjoy heh

(in the future btw) they're jobs: Alexander's Job Is working at a grocery store but he would be a cashier so when he rings people up he can steal grapes if they are buying grapes>:)

Luke's job would be working at a daycare cause he loves kids and nothing in changing my mind -_-

okay to the actualy story XD

"im home" I exclaimed, tiredly yet happy to be home

zander:"cool" as he scubs the dishes harshly leaves not one speck of food left on it

baily(their adopted daughter): "Hi daddy!" she said happily and exited to me

"hi sweetie!" i said in my best exited voice i could do

zander:"baily did you get the cups from your tea party you had on the counter cleaned?" he said sternly

baily: "ummm..." she said queitly

zander: okay...guess luke is gonna tickle attack you! he said chuckling

"yep i guess ill just have to tickle you!" as i started running slowly as baily baggain to run to her tea cups and tea pot

baily: "no no!" as she giggled and ran

"mwahahahahaha!" as i chased her

(at night)

"*heavy exhail*"

zander: whats the matter?

"nothing just a long day of running around"

"how was your day at work?"

zander: not bad if i do say so my self, i did get lots of free grapes" he said while smirking

"oh lord,hey! you remind me of that saying, you are what you eat! and you look like a grape! my grape:)"

zander: "mhm- how much peanut butter do you eat mr.smartypants" he said after rolling his eyes in an annoyed voice

"haha...well good night" as i turn the lamp offer getting under the blanket

zander: "good night peanut butter hair" he said as he rolled on his side with his night time facial mask

(in the morning)

zander: "morning peanut butter hair" while smirking and cooking eggs and backonbaily

baily: "what?" she looked at me with a questioning facial expression on

zander: "just a inside joke we have about his hair honey"

"yes sweetie" i said

"well i should head to work!"

zander:"mk bye bye peanut butter hair love you" he said smirking

"good bye zander love you, bye bye baily sweetie have a good day at school!" i said smiling at baily while waving

baily: "bye bye daddy!"

"*sigh* here.." while dredding to go to work

lukes boss: "luke i want you to come into my office" he said in a stern voice

"ok ill be right there" while my heart was almost pounding out of my chest

(at his boss's office)

lukes boss: *sigh* "luke we are gonna lay you off for a while...

"what why?!" i said in shock

lukes boss: cause we have had compleints from parents saying they're kids have been coming home saying they didnt have the best day

"okay? what does this have to do with me?" i said questioning my boss

lukes boss: "well the parents said that they're kids said that you were always too tired and not in the best mood as you used to be so i think you need to be layed off for a while so you can have good nights of sleep and if you wodering why im consered and the reason why is becuase the daycare sigh says that your child will always have the best day!" so they are taking money away and some have transford they're child: hesaid in a consered voice

"im so sorry ill try to get my act together but the hard part will be telling my family..."

lukes boss: "im sorry... you may go home now" he said in a guilty voice sadly and queitly


(at home)

"im back..."

zander:"ok you just got home and i know something is wrong so what is it now you must tell me?" he said consered

*sigh* "i got layed o-"

zander: WHAT???!?!?!??! he said angerly

" i know i know!"

zander: " im going to bed today was a bad day anyway! he said shouting angerly

"why was it a bad day other wise?" i said questioning him

zander: cause i saw stacey at my store! and i got no grapes!" he said mad and flusterd while crossing his arms and turning his head the other way

"oh im sorry" as i kissed his forhead

zander: "im tired" he said while yawning and hugging me

" i am to lets go to sleep"

zander: "ok..."

(zander and luke cuddleing)

baily:*scoochs up and cuddles wit them as tehy all fall asleep*

"good night"

zander: "good night luke love you" he said while cuddling me

baily: "good night daddys love you!"

the end...SHEEEEEEEEEESH bye bye have some cheese *cheese*

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